
OmegaPan's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of OmegaPan's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

No rules for men anymore

This would be the reality that Feminist nazis never thought of before because theyackcommon sense

1 point

These Commie nutjobs have never seen the outcomes of violence when it retaliates. It's time to defend the country and the normal, rational, peaceful folks if neccessary.

3 points

Does calling the media - the ENEMY of the PEOPLE - have any downsides??

Yeah. They target you and up the hit pieces and propaganda.

3 points

Imagine if the liberal press had followed up on Benghazi like they are on Saudi Arabia. We'd know what color underwear Obama was wearing that day.

5 points
4 points

Libs aren't even saying nice things nowadays. So their recent record is say shit things and do shit things. I haven't heard a fiscal argument in years.

3 points

Nice attempt to get people to disprove a negative. Prove unicorns don't exist.

4 points

When libs say racism, words hurt, believe her, etc,what they actually mean is shut up conservatives and do things our way even if it's you who are winning elections.

3 points

Should Liberals punch you in the face

The peaceful, tolerant left on display.

2 points

The impact of the first plane shifted the foundation below. The impact of the second plane shifted the foundation below even more. And that is all after a patchwork job done after the bombing in 1992. The patchwork building fell after 2 foundation shifts. The second building fell after 2 foundation shifts, and a third foundation shift from the first building's collapse.

1 point

Tape a horn to a horse's forehead. Create one on a computer. Jesus Christ.

1 point

It's philosophically and mathematically impossible that someone doesn't exist somewhere out there.

2 points

Death to America (Persian: مرگ بر آمریکا‎ Marg bar Āmrikā) is an anti-American political slogan and chant which has been in use in Iran since the inception of the Iranian Revolution in 1979.[1] Ayatollah Khomeini, the first leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran, popularized the term.[2]

Obama Defends Cash Payment to Iran

-The Wall Street Journal

Obama defends Iran deal

-The Hill

2 points

New Snowden Documents Reveal Obama Administration Expanded NSA Spying


2 points

In 2013, the United States Internal Revenue Service (IRS) revealed that it had selected political groups applying for tax-exempt status for intensive scrutiny based on their names or political themes. This led to wide condemnation of the agency and triggered several investigations, including a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) criminal probe ordered by United States Attorney General Eric Holder.

Initial reports described the selections as nearly exclusively of conservative groups with terms such as "Tea Party" in their names.

2 points

In Targeting Political Groups, I.R.S. Crossed Party Lines

-New York Times

1 point

Most Libs do NOT complain about con' stances on God, They complain about them trying to tell us we must swear our allegiance to "God", fuck the Constitution! That's the ONLY side of the fence I play!

While leftists command allegiance to them and their ideology or be hunted down and run out of restaurants.

Your last line is so ridiculous, it doesn't deserve an answer, Crotch!

That last line was full of proven facts.

1 point

Trump at 36 percent approval among African-Americans, new poll finds

-USA Today

1 point

There are MANY Christian liberals.

Who are known for molesting boys in the Catholic priesthood.

African Americans are FAR more Christian than most white RWers!

And are polling at 36% approval rating on Trump, the highest approval for a Republican President by far in my lifetime.

1 point

Immigration (except for white people) is HISTORY

Says someone who trashes the President for any alleged ties to those evil foreigners.

1 point

Universal health care isn't gonna happen.. People will DIE on the streets, and right wingers will say that's fine, because they're POOR and LAZY and not deserving of life.

We already have universal healthcare for those who need it. What do you think the VA, the Indian hospitals, medicare and medicade fo exactly?

Are you happy we aren't fining people under the cruel ACA?

1 point

Liberals see everything as groups. Of course when they aren't sure what group to place you in, you can see the smoke coming out of their ears.

You are white? You must be racist and privileged, whether you are or not.

You are male? You must be sexist and mosoginyst, whether you are or not.

You are Christian? You must be homophobic, whether you are or not.

All other groups? Laws and rules don't apply to you.

2 points

That's because you didn't realize that you are actually just a banana.

3 points

Liberalism is built on the idea of us against them to win. Identity politics of the left make it physically impossible to have a unified country.

1 point

I would have picked Oklahoma, but it looks like they played earlier and lost by 3.

1 point

You feel like a softskinned porn star. You feel like you use way too much lotion.

0 points

in WW2 it was the USSR that played the biggest role in defeating Nazi Germany.

Looks like he's not interested in those atomic bombs a lib dropped in Japan.

0 points

in WW2 it was the USSR that played the biggest role in defeating Nazi Germany.

After uniting with them to conquer Poland.

0 points

After that they had some growing to do before they could proceed west to plunder mexican land and murder native americans.

The History of the Democrat Party".

After they finished slaughtering and exploiting primitive tribes and other assorted poor brown people

See above.

1 point

Looks like no rebuke of open homophobia and anti-homosexuality. Cool. It looks like Democrat talking points are vaporizing quickly nowadays.

1 point


1 point

If you say anything I disagree with, you should be shot because I'm a big fat lefty snatch faced weasel

It appears that the site has been therapeutic for you.

5 points

In other words, if a Republican dare talk back to "snarling" Democrats who never stop snarling, you are an asshole. In other words, you wanted Conservatives to continue to be nice and polite rather than pointing the finger back at Democrats who everyone knows have dirt all over them.

5 points

I dunno classic liberalism from non classic liberalism

Something that more resembles the positions of Martin Luther King, Jimmy Carter, or JFK rather than Lenin, Marx and Stalin.

6 points

I dunno classic liberalism from non classic liberalism.. I've told you before I don't know what Alinsky tactics are.. I don't know what post modernism is..

If you did, you'd never vote Democrat again. It'd be the end of your innocence finding out your leaders are Communists and watching them aware they are doing Communist things written about and spelled out in Communist instruction manuels.

I don't follow Marx, Lenin, Mao or Putin. I hate communism.. Always have, and always will.

That's step one to your red pill moment.

What I DO know is that I'm a liberal in the American sense..

Then you'll need to do a party switch.

5 points

Democrats are tyranical, violent, spoiled control freaks

Tell us something we didn't already know.

5 points

Ha ha ha. A leftist telling right wingers about free speech on social media! Priceless. We can't post the flag without getting censored.

5 points

Michael Moore is a dumbass and a propagandist, and he's not even very good at it.

5 points

I doubt he did. He was busy chasing full bodied, feminine women around the Whitehouse because his man wife doesn't do the whole female wife thing.

5 points

Should due process and innocent until shown to be guilty apply in the U.S., or are you ready to start tossing male Democrats into prison based on their accusers' claims?

5 points

Trump "promised" to be the LGBT community's best friend.

He promised to "protect them from a hateful foreign ideology". He's done that. Obama did not. He petted it.

5 points

They're brains would most likely just freaking explode.

5 points

In other words the exact beliefs humans had for thousands of pre snowflake years.

5 points

It's funny. They believe everything their college told them while screaming about their loans to these same "greedy" colleges.

5 points

More and more fire departments are privatized because it's cheaper and more efficient.

5 points


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