
Revolt's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Revolt's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Life sentences are better punishment for heinous crimes and less costly to the taxpayer to boot.

1 point

Your vote doesn't matter statistically, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't vote. Voting should be viewed as a way to generally express your views ideologically. That's why I don't buy into the strategic voting people do (i.e. when some conservatives tell other conservatives to all vote for Romney to defeat Obama etc.) it doesn't work and it doesn't represent what you think anyway.

1 point

Intelligent design in and of itself is NOT a scientific theory. The Bible was written long before science was even marginally developed. Therefore, interpreting The Bible as science is irrational.

1 point

Agreed. But I would go on to say that any kind of mayonnaise is flat out disgusting. 97% fat and masks the flavor of good food.

1 point

I was hoping beyond hope that he was being sarcastic. Or mocking the quotes. But apparently not.

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