
Yoadrian's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Yoadrian's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

Look up the facts and you will see he was AWOL as per his commander not one day overseas or in combat during war time yet most of his unit did, Chaney had 5 deferments not to go to war and so did rush limp back. Sarah palin was a joke, she needs to stay in Alaska, the me th lab capitol. go look for the truth and you will find it. fox Higher ratings loll.

2 points

I have watched both. fox news? what news? its a republican spin machine, and for msnbc thats the Democratic spin machine. Now i have sat down and checked, facts with BS, on both and i have to admit fox is way out there and msnbc semi out there, But like it was said "DIVIDED WE FALL" and thats what they want. Both sides are not worth 2 cents.

0 points

Here is a view to ponder on, if i die due to the seat belt being jammed by an accident and drown, burn or suffocated by the pull of it and you by law, force me to wear it should you not be charged with murder and full liability.

2 points

How easy some of us give up freedoms. The feds bribed the states with money to pass this law. It is funny how the ones pushing this bill can claim " They died because they where not wearing a seat belt" and if they where wearing one "they would have died anyways". Then there's "trapped in a burning car by a seat-belt", ''drowning unable to release seat belt". The list is endless on both sides. My brother-in-law was T-boned and lived because he did not have one on. I myself put it on in rain and expressway driving, but 30 to 40 my fear is the side not the front or back, so i do not like them on. To call someone stupid for not using one or using one, is just that. All this law does is give the feds and gov the ability to say what you must do with your property and your body, and you think it will stop there? In the publics best interest you should not skydive, mountain bike, ski, scuba, and by the way that radio station you listen (studies have shown) makes you agitated when driving. I am not property of the state, neither is my car. If you need the state to tell you how to live or die catch a flight to Cuba or Russia. It cost society! o please everybody makes money in crashes and death, body shops, lawyers, doctors, florist, insurance company's with higher rates, heck even the grave diggers. I know its cold to say that but for the love of this country fight for your freedoms to be able to decide.

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