
Blackdeath's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Blackdeath's arguments, looking across every debate.
10 points

Ok, let me educate you peple, and set the facts straight on Cannabis.

1st, Cannabis is probably the safest drug known to man, we have a endocannabinoid system designed to handle the substance. -

2nd, medically speaking it is one of the safest and most effective medications for the widest variety diseases known. -

3rd, more people die from the war on drugs than they die from the pot itself, i need no citation here if you believe that this plant has killed more than the cartels, (a result of this underground black market that formed to fill the demand for cannabis) and this war on drugs has, then then you're beyond help.

4th, the government understands that there are no negative effects of pot use, otherwise they'd be all over it parading the facts on their asinine antidrug commercials.

5th, as far as the commercials go they're run by the NIDA (national institute on drug abuse) which is able to run such a heavy ad campaign because of contributions from the alcohol and tobacco industry.. -

6th, In a recent study it was shown that cannabis actually DISCOURAGES harder drug use. - (simple version)

- (for the scientifically inclined)

7th, cannabis prohibition was created as a way to arrest jazz musicians and mexican immigrants taking american jobs - even the history channel knows this, just look at their doc on it

8th, we're alienating our kids and workers, creating a network of fear through these ineffective drug tests -

9th, the tax revenue from legalization is estimated to be in the billions -

10th, through legalization we'd be restoring the fundamental RIGHT of people to do as they please with their bodies. The government has no say in what someone should do with their body as long as it's not infringing on anyone else's rights.

as far as driving high goes - Dr...igh-339007.html

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