
Cagrayer21's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Cagrayer21's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

A veto overrides requires super majority from both chambers of congress which is unlikely to happen because of how gridlocks congress's.

1 point

The president has the ability to appoint officers which makes the president more powerful then congress. The Appointment Power confers plenary power to the President to nominate various officials.The president can nominate and appoint judical judges when someone for public official with the consent of the senate.An example would be obama used this power t

appoint James Cole as the deputy attorney general and fill envoy posts to Azerbaijan, Syria and NATO allies Turkey and the Czech Republic.

1 point

The president power as chief of administrator makes him more powerful than congress. Examples would be The Administrator in Chief is responsible for all federal

departments, including

cabinet departments, such as the

State Department, and

independent agencies, such as NASA. The president has the powers to pardon anyone

for anything except for an impeachable offense

and some other serious crimes. My last example would be a tax cut which forced him to cut


spending and

cut budgets for the agencies.

1 point

The powers granted through commander and chief makes the president more powerful than congress. Some evidence that backs up my claim is Armed forces; the president controls all armed forces. Another example would be when Trump used this power when he withdrawn U.S. troops from northern syria. My last evidence would be Potus can stop and start conflict. President can cause war because they can send in troops without notifying congress.

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