
Eddiebae's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Eddiebae's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

So you are saying we do not deserve freedom after we fought so hard to get it? The bill of rights is incredibly important. A dictatorship is one singular person controlling a large group of people. An increase of variety of parties does not follow your first point of our rights gone. Parties are differing opinions.

1 point

The checks and balancing protocol can only go so far. Most of everyone in the government will be elites, and they will do what they think is best for the elites. The government is not able to accurately represent everyone in out country.

2 points

I agree fully with this. The articles give the states power and make sure the people are represented. The government will just take away our power and use it to do whatever they feel like, and they would be supported under the Constitution. We know our country best and our state best, and we deserve to be able to say what our people of our state wish to.

1 point

I stand with the Articles of Confederation. This new constitution will cause the states to become poor as they will take away our one true source of money and give it to the government, and they will tax us unfairly to receive all the money. States will fall as they do not want to heavily tax the people as this will make everyone upset and revolt. We will lose our sources of money and we will fall under a government who acts as a King in this sense. This constitution takes away the rights of the states and can cause a unitary government that will take away all our power. The causes, Supremacy clause and elastic clause, are way too far-fetched, and they will continue to take away our rights under these.

1 point

The constitution should not be ratified as the constitution will take away the people's rights, and those can not be just given back. We fought a war to be able to govern ourselves, and now they want to give the power back to a singular body. The constitution refers to itself as the supreme law of the land, and how will our people fit in with this? The government, if they are able to establish federal courts, will overtake our people who are in our state courts, and we will have no says in laws. The national government will cause the states to lose all the power they held as it adsorbs it all for itself. The government will not have enough representation for us to establish our points, and they will choose things that benefit them.

1 point

I agree 100% with you. I have no idea what those other stuff are, but I have read many times "I Have a Dream".

2 points

I support you 100%. We need to know everything we can to fix what is happening.

1 point

If everyone is made equal, why not give every race the same respect and talk about their history not just a white person's? Not every race has the same history so how do we group them all together?

4 points

I do not think we talk enough about race. We barely brush over the edge of how deep slavery and race runs into our country's background. Everyone knows the basic facts that race divided the country, but do we really know how much everyone was affected? We have some of the same issues that were happening during the past such as racism, and schools are not even truly going into depth on the topic. Many people think that it is okay to say words that are racist in nature because they do not truly understand all the historical aspects and context that go along with it. It is preached that everyone is equal so why are we learning more about the white people of the past and not more about the genocides and the past of the Native Americans or the African Americans? We should to know how their past shaped our country as a whole. A person can never know the full truth of how America was shaped into what it is today if they do not know or are not taught in the classroom about the many races. Not every race has the same history.

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