
Eseeds's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Eseeds's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

I am writing an argumentative paper for my freshman English class on how seat belt enforcement laws should be reevaluated. I started this paper with the thought that seat belts do protect your safety but still give the government too much power. After having done a considerable amount of research, I was astonished! We spend far more money on campaign advertisement for the "Click it or Ticket" campaign, police enforcement of the laws, and federal granted rewards to states possessing these laws, than we are saving on the healthcare provided for those persons injured in accidents. Just think about how much money it costs to employ one police officer. We pay for training programs, uniforms, vehicles, salaries, and so much more. Now that we have seat belt enforcement laws we are required to employ more officers to enforce these laws. Imagine that each state needs to hire 50 new police officers. That is roughly 2500 officers that your tax dollars are paying for! Not only is it expensive it isn't proven to save lives. The governments own agency, The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration put out a safety report in 2006. (( stating that in cars 48% of persons in accidents died when wearing their seat belt versus the 44% that died from NOT wearing one! SOOOO where did the government come up with all these statistics saying it's safer to wear a seat belt?!?! Oh and did I forget to mention you are employing police officers and the government to disregard your civil rights!!! Our government was created on the basis that human beings would have the right to make their own decisions when it regarded their own persons and property. Our fore fathers created our country this way, because of the discrimination's held against them in their former countries. If we continue to let our government take control of our everyday decisions, than we turn into the type of government that our fore fathers were running away from to begin with! We need to stand up, as a people, and fight for the freedoms that our fore fathers fought so hard to give to us!

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