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This personal waterfall shows you all of Hepcatkip's arguments, looking across every debate.
4 points

As far as No future MMO's point goes you really should research a bit at what you are saying. Age of Conan is getting released for the Xbox 360 this year and champions online is suppose to have a 360 launch ant the same time as the pc version. and really Sony haven't had a good MMO in years so next year they will have the agency and free worlds. Both in Development by Sony Given Sonys track record with Bad MMO's I wouldn't hold my breath while both of 360's MMO's should be out first and so far are looking way better. and as far as Killzone 2 goes really they have shown videos of it since the ps3 launch. I wonder if it will release before duke nukem forever. Ps3 doesn't even have exclusive rpgs anymore since square jumped to 360. PS3 is a great Blue ray player and a weak Linux box with Ram limitations. and with the recent patch PSN has made some headway online but it's still not as good. as far as online content with the Netflix/360 deal Sony is still playing catch up. I will say this if you want t blueray player get a ps3 if you want a game system that has a great library of games and the better exclusive content. Go with 360. and as far a no such thing as console exclusives that is only really true on the ps3 side :P.

1 point

Wow this was a question that I really had to think about. Being religious myself I had to step away a bit from the question and really think about it. I would like to say No to this really bad but then I have to think about how I was raised and trying to get answers to questions myself and relised that I have to say yes. I remember as a child being drug to church by my mother and every time I asked a question about the world and church being chastised and told my curiosity was a sin and that is a matter of faith. as I grew older I stopped going to church. This is a part of the problem most churches tell children that asking questions is wrong. I know people in a lot of faiths that teach such blind ignorance. This is why we have such a gap in education levels. I have since found a faith that encourages questions and study. Here I how found very intelligent and educated people. but most religious people whenever there is an issue that may touch on a personal belief they put there hands over there ears and block out what is said. if we all though this way it would still be believed the world is flat. It saddens me that most religions on the earth haven't grown past this. In the end there will only be truth and there is nothing wrong with discovering those truths.

8 points

Cell Architecture is very difficult to code for. No dedicated Graphics processor and installs on large games due to blue ray seek times. PS3 is a great blue ray player but looking at the game library and game ports so far the 360 is destroying the ps3 better exclusives and ports run faster and are more stable on the 360. Very rarely does a game look noticeably better. Plus Xbox live is far superior to Playstations online capability. never mind space limitations due to game installs. Sony made a lot of mistakes this time around. As they make tools to make programing on the cell processor easier we may see things get better. I own both and if I have a choice I always buy for 360 and have always been happy when I read about frustration on the sony side from lockup to game lags and lock ups. they me be development issues but the difficulty a system is to code for makes up for a lot. on top of the rest there are huge bottle necks in the core design when it comes to games. 360 wins hands down. I hope Sony learns from this in there next gen. going from #1 to #3 has to hurt.

2 points

Why I personally think abortion is a horrible sin. I do believe that we are here to make choices right or wrong those choices are going to be made. I do support that it is a choice. I just wish people would make the right one.

3 points

Plain and Simple. Gun laws do not work places with strict guns laws are some of the most dangerous places in the nation and places like parts of Texas where guns are required are the safest. Yes I think parent should lock up there guns so children cannot get them. no one want to see a child killed but banning guns is really a bad Idea it's not good here and has been bad in the UK.

5 points

God created out universe and world. He also created the science and laws that govern it. God always knew we would eventually get into space and what us to grow in knowledge and understanding. the only reason some would argue for this point would be if they were afraid that space would change or contradict there beliefs. If go didn't want us to go into space we would not allow. there are plenty of accounts in the bible of god stopping people from going against his will. God Destroyed the tower of babel not cause it was a tower to space but because people were trying to build a tower to get to heaven. if the lord didn't want us to allow it it would not be possible or would be stopped. The lord wants us to understand the universe and grow.

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