
Oopalagol's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Oopalagol's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

See? All you people who don't like us? Why don't you try doing what this person did. Then you can decide whether Goths are evil

1 point

Obviously, anyone who thought that Goths are evil lost big time.

What was that comment about having your head up your ass?

1 point

I am surprised at how many people mix up Goth and Emo. I don't want to judge Emo people, but I don't think hurting yourself is a good way out of a bad situation.

1 point

You obviously don't know the first thing about Goths. Writing that argument was a huge mistake on your part.

1 point

We do NOT portray ourselves as anything evil or demonic.

(ok, supernatural, maybe,) What's evil and demoic is how people like you see us.

1 point

Since when are Goths self-centered? We are generally very happy people, and just because we wear black/other dark colors all the time doesn't mean we are bad people, or depressed. What I want to know is were the hell to you get these kind of ideas?

I wish you major negative points.

1 point

Why is it that unpopular people/views get put down so often? I'm sorry if you don't like how we (Goths) NATURALLY ARE, but it's not are problem if you think that.

1 point

Goths are dark, romantic, abnormal, and snarky. (if you don't know what I mean, just look at the arguments from Goths.) Does that sound evil to you? Ok, snarky people aren't always nice, but only in things like this debate, because most Goths (that I know, anyway,) are passionate, and should be, about whether they are evil or not.

1 point

No one is fully evil, but if anyone was, it would be the people who thought other people were evil. I know, I'm judging all of the people (I mean idiots) who think Goths are evil.

1 point

Until you really understand a subculture/culture/person, you are not in a place to judge that person.

1 point

People who think that Goths are evil are racist. I'm serious. It's not that different from hating African Americans.

1 point

If normal people stopped judging weird people, and found out what it really means to be Goth, then everyone would be happy.

1 point

I got from your comments that you are Goth, but believe yourself to be evil. What the heck is up with that?

1 point

What makes anyone think that Goths are evil? Of course they're not. If you think that Goths are evil, you need to learn a little more about them.

1 point

I don't think it's fair to call a whole subculture evil. No one is truly evil. As much as it pains me to say this, there a likely Goths who are bad. (there are likely preps or popular kids who are bad too.) But bad goths are certainly not bad because they are Goths.

1 point

I agree. Black and the night are supposed to be "evil," but to a handful of (in my opinion correct) people, these things are beautiful.

1 point

Anyone who thinks Goths are evil obviously has never met anyone who is goth. If they have, they judged them immediately as someone bad, just because they're not normal. And strange people are awesome. Also I want to say that there are plenty of Goths who a religious, that is to say worshiping god, and not Satan. I have never met any goth who does drugs, rapes, hurts themselves, or does anything generally bad. Most people confuse Goth with Emo. Although they both started out as a kind of music, Emo people are the whiny, self-obsessed, suicide-committing kids that many Goths are labeled as.

-An angry Goth

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