
Stevewode's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Stevewode's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

If it was clear that the election was rigged then yes, the American people would have every reason to revolt. As far as Trump goes, if you see him as that big of a negative, he would not be in the position he is currently in. The media attempts to portray him as unbalanced or crazy, but he would not be a multi-billionaire businessman with 40+ years experience if he were half as bad as people think. If the Republican party were to replace him, it would be through legal, if not ugly or semi-unethical avenues. If Clinton were to "rig" the election and it was clear to the public, a revolution should occur. Since neither will happen, we will just be stuck with another awful president.

1 point

I don't completely agree that debt-management is the solution for everyone. Life gets in the way many times. An unexpected pregnancy, medical conditions, an accident, a company you work for going under etc. Free education may not be realistic, but reduced costs for post-secondary education is needed. Also, more people should be guided into skill-based jobs through technical schools. Lastly, I believe similar things are needed in high school. Seniors should be learning real-world skills and getting credit for doing so. Plumbing, auto mechanics and welding may not be glamorous professions, but they are needed and can provide a good living. We need to evaluate the high school curriculum and add more real-world applications. Not everyone needs advanced calculus and ancient civilization classes.

1 point

No. If you believe God created the animals, then you would also believe God's word when he says in Genesis 1:26 "Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,a and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”

stevewode(7) Clarified
1 point

I am not sure I understand your points. Religion was invented by man, in your opinion, as a survival tool. Many would say that religion was created when the man, Jesus Christ, walked this Earth. It was/is a reality, not a survival tool.

I am not sure what you mean by "every animal species alive fits that criteria."

Yes, humans are the only animals with the capability to destroy life on earth. This also means that they are superior, if not more dangerous. I believe this still shows, in a disgusting and inhuman way, that a human life is still more important than that of an animal.

stevewode(7) Clarified
1 point

If you include religion, God gave man dominion over animals. If you don't want to include that, you could say "Survival of the fittest." Without human rules, animals would be wiped out. Many animal species have gone extinct where humans have not. Humans are superior. A tiger cub will do nothing to further life on this planet. The human might. It isn't a difficult argument in my mind.

2 points

Because it is still unclear if there was a chance for quicker or more decisive action to have made a difference. Also, the most important and debated aspect of Benghazi is the fact that the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton in particular, lied about the events and tried to play it off as something that it wasn't. People are angry over this and the fact that Clinton is a POTUS candidate even though she has blatantly and repeatedly lied to the American people.

1 point

It is nearly insanity that this is even a debate. A human life, no matter how deplorable, ALWAYS trumps that of an animal. The fact that it is a baby, considered the most pure and innocent of our kind, you would think the choice is clear. It is scary that anyone living in society would ever value an animal's life over a human. Save the baby.

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