
Str8karma's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Str8karma's arguments, looking across every debate.
2 points

I agree, it should be an elective. If you want to learn about something you are unfamiliar with, offer it. If you want to learn more because you are religious already, offer it. If you just want to learn about someone else's beliefs, offer it! I LOVE THAT IDEA! As an elective. Do you know what good that could bring. Even the athiests of the world would have the option to learn why people do what they do and a new found respect would be in place!!!

1 point

I agree. You are still a Christian when you believe in the Father. And to be Christian is a belief in your heart, not something that has a checklist to see if you qualify.

1 point

Im not quoting any verses, Im just stating the fact that your mommy chose life... so what is up with that??? Maybe she should have exercised what you agree with? That would really suck, I think.

1 point

Human life begins the MOMENT the egg and sperm meet! Life is created and on its way to becoming a sister, brother, mother, father, husband, wife. If you-------------------------->>>> people would thank your lucky stars that YOUR MOM WAS PROLIFE AND CHOSE NO TO ABORTION! SELFISH!!!!

1 point

Abortion is wrong!!!!Abortion is wrong!!!!Abortion is wrong!!!!Abortion is wrong!!!!

Thank GOD your mom was PROLIFE!!!!

-1 points

I don't agree that they are freaks, but in the reference to the boy in school. My children had to follow the school dress code, keep a clean appearance and have respect for the teachers. I don't see anything wrong with that. After they are out of school and on their own do as you darn well please but parents should also maintain their children. Don't let them walk around like farrel animals. Chop the hair out of your respect for the school authorities. For crying out load, its not like the kid getting a haircut is hurting him emotionally. Sounds like a parent issue if you ask me. They had to learn from someone. Private school makes ALL kids wear uniforms, keep clean appearance, traditional hair cuts, no more than one set of earrings(a huge hell yeah)!! Keeps the kids from killing eachother over what they wear, how they wear their HAIR, etc. Kids can be down right mean. CHOP that crap!!! Its only hair.

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