
Tabit's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Tabit's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

it is most played sport in the world and schools should not ban this sport

1 point

even i can say he is a asshole and wait but as he spoil us reputation and left all the hard work to obama which he has messed up .

and he cant give a proper speech for shit

2 points

he has even walked into a revolving door loser


3 points

food has their unique taste with containing different quantities of oil , as these where fast food restaurants offer customers fatty food with high quantity oil , which can affect the fast food lovers health , as it is hard to lose weight.

Fast food lovers have to sacrifice their life for the food and most customers come as if their wearing a mascot of a burger (fatness)

3 points

its ok if you eat fast food once in a way.BUT it cannot be repeated for every meal of the day as scientist / researchers have put on document on a specific fast food restaurant called "Macdonald"

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