
Yching's Waterfall RSS

This personal waterfall shows you all of Yching's arguments, looking across every debate.
1 point

Pictures can have an instant impact on a person. it is a tool for fast communication. The power of pictures lies in the speed it can convey a message.

1 point

Being able to capture and show someone's emotions already display the power of pictures. Words can only describe and try to let the reader imagine the emotions, however, it depends on the ability of the writer to be able describe the emotions accurately.

5 points

By using pictures only, it would not be effective with the consumers. Without any words to supplement the pictures, consumers would not be able to understand the message being persented by the advertisment. Pictures can be interpreted differently by different people, if the true meaning of the picture is not understood or interpreted wrongly, then there would be no point in using pictures, thus rendering pictures to be powerless.

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