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 1st of May international workers day (11)

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JakeTheSnake(11) pic

1st of May international workers day

It seems this day has turned to a day to go and eat a lot or go walking in nature. Why is this? Did communism die or have we finally achieved absolute democracy?
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2 points

One feature about worker's holidays is that the overheads don't take any time off.

Rent, rates insurance, interest rate charges on bank loans and/or finance on hire purchase for plant and equipment as well wages all just keep rolling along.

Reduce the working week to say, 35 hours, increase worker's holiday entitlement and bang, up goes the cost of your product or service.

Will the consumer pay the additional costs incurred as a direct consequence of extended holidays and a shorter working week?

That was a rhetorical question as we all know they won't.

Instead they'll shop at an outlet which sells less expensive cheap imported Asian goods.

The conditions of employment, ( or lack of them ) and the comparatively low wage levels of our Asian competitiors wouldn't be tolerated by the workers/unions in most western countries.

So, when the factories shut up shop the unions make all the right noises, huff and puff for a while, but the one thing they cannot do is provide jobs.

2 points

Like so many historical twists, by complete accident. As TIME explained in 1929, “To old-fashioned people, May Day means flowers, grass, picnics, children, clean frocks. To up-and-doing Socialists and Communists it means speechmaking, parading, bombs, brickbats, conscientious violence. This connotation dates back to May Day, 1886, when some 200,000 U. S. workmen engineered a nationwide strike for an eight-hour day.”

Are you a Socialist or a Communist ??????

Today’s the 30 of April. But I still have school on the first of May. Most in Minnesota have work on the first. It’s a Tuesday.

JakeTheSnake(11) Disputed
1 point

Because u dont have worker rights in usa? Otherwise why would you have to go to school?

1 point

No, because we have enough holidays already. We don’t need more days off.

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Are you a Socialist or a Communist ?????????

1 point

Oh, strange. In Germany and Britain we all have days off on the 1st of May.