
Debate Info

Yay!!! Wait..., what? Nay!!!
Debate Score:15
Total Votes:15
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 Yay!!! (3)
 Wait..., what? Nay!!! (5)

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joecavalry(40131) pic

3 parent babies - Yay or Nay?

The United Kingdom took a step Friday toward being the first country in the world to allow a pioneering in vitro fertilization technique using DNA from three people that could prevent mitochondrial diseases.

The new embryo will contain nuclear DNA from the intended father and mother, as well as healthy mitochondrial DNA from the donor embryo -- effectively creating a "three-parent" baby.

This has opened the door to the creation of "designer babies."


Side Score: 4

Wait..., what? Nay!!!

Side Score: 11

I can't think of any new technology that we haven't put to use ;)

Side: Yay!!!
1 point

Why not :)

Side: Yay!!!
1 point

That sounds expensive.

Side: Yay!!!
1 point

There goes natural selection.

Side: Wait..., what? Nay!!!

HEY..., BUDDY..., if we can have gay marriage..., we can have 3 parent babies ;)

Side: Wait..., what? Nay!!!
Cartman(18192) Disputed
1 point

Gay marriage causes gay people to stop pretending they are straight and marry people of the opposite sex. So, the gay people who wouldn't normally have kids were having kids that they wouldn't normally have to hide their gay lifestyle. With 3 parent babies, people who wouldn't normally have kids are having kids.

Side: Wait..., what? Nay!!!