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A virtual community the best strategy for year-round attention of an event?

My statement:

Creating and implementing a virtual community is the best strategy when trying to generate year-round attention and promotion for an annual (TED) event.

Hi everyone, I’m a 4th year student of International Communication & Media in The Netherlands and will hopefully graduate this July. For my thesis I’m researching the possibilities to create year-round attention and promotion for one of the Dutch TED events ( I would like to start an online debate, and receive some professional insights and opinions.

TED is a non-profit organization devoted to Ideas Worth Spreading. At a TED conference, the world's leading thinkers and doers are asked to give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes or less. TEDxBinnenhof will be held on March 31, 2014 with the theme: "Global Challenges | Dutch Solutions". TEDxBinnenhof wants to show the world that even though The Netherlands might be a small country, the Dutch have a lot to offer when it comes to world innovation. The problem is that the attention around the event usually takes place 2 months before and 1 month after the event. 

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1 point

Yes, creating a virtual community (which you can do in our public and private communities) is a great way to promote year-round attention to the event and here is why:

1. people can join the community year round and feel like they are part of the community now, not just the small time slice before and after the event.

2. The community can sponsor mini-events that are online versions of the main event. The concept could be quarterly mini-events with one highlighted area.

3. You can have additional promotions and email campaigns which bring better attention to the event.

Plus much more. If you are considering creating the community, please do so here in our communities!

1 point

Thank you so much for your answer, very helpful! I think mini-events are a very good idea. The innovative ideas that are brought to this event can be accommodated under different themes, so it would be great to host mini-events per theme.