
Debate Info

Abortion should be legal Abortion should be illegal
Debate Score:45
Total Votes:47
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 Abortion should be legal (12)
 Abortion should be illegal (3)

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HTHAMES(46) pic

Abortion: Your stance

Abortion should be legal

Side Score: 40

Abortion should be illegal

Side Score: 5
5 points

A woman gets pregnant in a great situation during a great time in her life. The woman has the option to decide whether or not it would be a good choice to abort the child. She ultimately decides to get the child aborted, saving her from the cost of having a child. But, later down the line, she feels guilt and loss over having killed something she could have loved so dearly. Was her long-term emotional turmoil worth saving herself the short-term stress of a child?

Now consider another woman in a much worse situation who decides instead to keep her child. She is saved from the guilt and sorrow the previous woman suffered, but she feels the weight of the cost of a child for years and years even after the child moves out. Was the devastating cost for her worth avoiding the emotional turmoil she could have suffered?

These questions are impossible to answer because of the numerous factors that make their situations different, as well as the inability of the human race to see alternate timelines. Now imagine 10s of thousands times more women in similarly complex situations. All of these women have made sacrifices and gained something in return, so who is to say whose situation was better?

Certainly not a body that governs over 3 million people. When it comes down to it, each woman made their own choice. Each woman has to deal with the consequences. If they don’t like what they chose, that is their own issue and they have to deal with it individually. It should not be the government’s decision what a single woman in a single situation decides to do with her own body. America was founded on the basis of freedom and choice. Making abortion illegal violates that liberty to choose.

Side: Abortion should be legal
5 points

When it comes to morality, I look at abortion like throwing away a blank piece of paper. Yes, it is a shame that that potential has been wasted, but it is potential for good or evil, thus evening out the scales of morality in my opinion.

On a more logical approach, it is well documented that there is extreme overpopulation in this world, to the point people are starving on the streets. To force more people to be in this world, people that weren't wanted and will likely be abandoned, will only add more to the problem and more problems.

Side: Abortion should be legal
4 points

Abortion should strictly the women’s choice. In 2018 around 734,630 women reported a rape and 32,101 of them resulted in an unwanted pregnancy. Why should they have to deal with the consequence of an uninvited occurrence? They shouldn’t. Not only that but in 2018 it was conducted that 56% of the poverty rate in the U.S. were women. How are they expected to provide for children? A Colombian woman explained how there were nights where she would only eat once a day if that. She later fell pregnant, it being extremely dangerous for her since she had already had four Cesarean sections. Luckily she was able to receive contraceptive for the abortion. However if not a plethora of things could have gone wrong. Because of the 4 previous c-sections the baby could of died at childbirth, the mother could have died at childbirth, or if the delivery went along smoothly the child likely wouldn't have gotten the proper care.

Side: Abortion should be legal
4 points

I believe abortion should be legal. I believe abortion should be legal because putting a law that prohibits women from preventing negative impacts on their lives takes away their inalienable rights of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Banning abortion takes away their inalienable rights.

Side: Abortion should be legal
4 points

ProChoice- A victim of rape should not have to keep an unwanted child, it is inhuman to force someone to have a kid they did not intend on having. "For many girls, sexual abuse leads to unwanted pregnancy as a teenage girl who have been forced into sex are less likely to have the opportunity or choice to use contraceptives." Many young girls do not have the option to have a way out. 12 to 45 are the most relevant ages of young girls and adult women who get raped. Having another alternative would stop young girls and women from having to live and deal with something they did not want to happen, nor did they call upon themselves. Also the term "feticide" is the new term being used to describe abortion. Abortion is the termination of a human baby. The Unborn Victims of Violence Act, “to protect unborn children from assault and muder,” an unborn baby should have rights just like any other human. It is inhumane to kill a living human. This is all not completely true, “Embryos and fetuses are not independent, self-determining beings, and abortion is the termination of a pregnanct, not a baby.” It would be different if the baby had a heartbeat, then it would be homicide. Also a baby is determined when it is born, not on the date of conception. ProChoice and ProLife are major movements working against each other to stand up for what they believe in, but in all its the mother’s choice. No one else should make the decision for her. The ProChoice movement pushes for women to have the right to decide for themselves.

Side: Abortion should be legal
4 points

Abortion affects a lot of people, particularly women. However, trans individuals (female to male) can get pregnant. I read a case that discussed a trans person's right to a sex change while they were in prison, and were granted it due to a doctor's approval that it was a medical/mental issue regarding gender dysphoria. Therefore, the same logic could apply to abortion as becoming pregnant can affect a trans person's dysphoria as well as be affected by any hormones or surgery processes.

Side: Abortion should be legal
3 points

I think abortion is alright with restrictions: the parent(s) do not have the financial ability to provide for the child, or some other REALLY good reason for it. If the parent(s) cannot afford to take care of a baby, then an abortion should be allowed because the baby itself would be in danger. Not having a child when you can't provide for it will be beneficial to both the parents and the unborn child.

Side: Abortion should be legal
3 points

Abortion is a woman's choice, it is their body. The fact that abortion is illegal in some states is astronomical. It denies our 14th amendment Due Process rights, which is unconstitutional.

Side: Abortion should be legal
crazywatcher(4) Clarified
1 point

What about the father's perspective and what if he does want to have the baby?

Side: Abortion should be legal
sevenjk(4) Disputed
1 point

Then father and the mother should discuss the issue amongst themselves. They, as a family should still be able to choose the route they want to go. Choosing to have a baby is just an important a choice as choosing to not have one.

What if, in a similar situation, the father does not want to have the baby? Does that violate the women's rights? Or is it just his thoughts on the subject? Shouldn't he also get to decide what happens to his child, since he and her created it in equal partnership, whether it be to abort or not?

Side: Abortion should be legal
3 points

Abortion is a woman's right to control over her body. Some women can't financially support a baby. A lot of girls and women are rapped and end up getting pregnant. Those women later find out their pregnant and don't want it but can't get an abortion so now they are stuck with their rapists baby and will most likely give it up for adoption, but these women shouldn't have to ruin their body and carry a unwanted child if they don't want to, they have a right over their body and their choices.

Side: Abortion should be legal
3 points

I believe abortion should be legal because being pregnant could ruin a woman's life. If a woman is providing for herself exclusively, then a pregnancy could prevent her from working and making money. This could interfere with her right of life by preventing her from taking care of herself. It could also interfere with her right of property by preventing her from buying things for herself.

Side: Abortion should be legal
1 point

The attached video is Dr. Anthony Levatino explaining how a second trimester abortion is preformed. I'm not going to argue the religious stance on why abortion should be illegal but what I will argue is the emotion impact on both parties within the abortion process. The video explains what does happen when an abortion is preformed to have that baseline for the argument I will make. Personally hearing the presentation I had to rethink my own argument and justification on why abortion should be illegal. The abortion process in the second trimester seem a lot like taking a baby and killing it within a vessel. The moral aspect of taking the life away from what could possibly be the next Einstein leaves me with a sour taste in my mouth. Every life should have its chance to become something and if that something is bad we have a legal and prison system for a reason. And there are systems in place for those who don't want a baby but don't want to end a life. I will admit those systems needs to be updated and to start with less of a focus on abortion and removing that right away.

Supporting Evidence: Abortion process explained (
Side: Abortion should be illegal
sevenjk(4) Disputed
2 points

I fully agree with you. Abortion is, in fact, murder. But making the decision of whether or not someone can abort for the entire population of America is a very exact violation of the inalienable right of liberty. The decision should be there for everyone, every family.

Side: Abortion should be illegal
alexussssg(1) Disputed
1 point

what if the woman was raped? think about the emotional trauma that woman is going to go through have to carry out a pregnancy with that man and she's not going to keep it, she shouldn't have to carry out with it, it's her body.

Side: Abortion should be legal
1 point

Abortion should be illegal. There are women every year who try their best to get pregnant and are unsuccessful. It is not fair to them for women to abort babies when they try so hard for one. If a woman were to get pregnant and didn't want it, she could give it up to adoption, so at least the baby has a chance in the world. There are plenty of men who would love to be fathers, but can be over ruled and lose their child. In conclusion, abortion should be illegal because women can waste a grand opportunity as a mother.

Side: Abortion should be illegal