
Debate Info

You go fish!!! Stop it. You're a fish.
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 You go fish!!! (5)
 Stop it. You're a fish. (2)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40130) pic

After eons of birds snatching fish from the water, fish start fighting back.

You go fish!!!

Side Score: 7

Stop it. You're a fish.

Side Score: 2
2 points

That's awesome, fish 1, birds 1 million or so. But, no longer a shutout.

Side: You go fish!!!
1 point
Side: You go fish!!!

My fish dove out of the water to catch a flying bird. I think mine tops yours. Sorry man :/

Side: You go fish!!!
1 point

LOL! I almost posted that same video. Just goes to prove the French are nuts... even their catfish are whacky.

Side: You go fish!!!
1 point

I beat Hellno! My life is complete :D

Side: You go fish!!!

If this keeps up, a rift will tear within the space-time continuum and we'll all get sucked into another dimension.

Side: Stop it. You're a fish.

Anybody else horny for fish? I know this guy named arnold, he is soooo love in fish

Side: Stop it. You're a fish.