
Debate Info

Hurray Damm why
Debate Score:15
Total Votes:15
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 Hurray (5)
 Damm why (8)

Debate Creator

Delta(1348) pic

Agree is down of the leader board

Yay were no longer control of a troll


Side Score: 5

Damm why

Side Score: 10
1 point

Finally! Now we have a better person at the top that is better than agree and that's Uncle Joe!

Where is the attack that they said they would strike? I never saw any of it?

Side: Hurray
1 point
Side: Hurray
1 point

I knew what he looked like before but thanks for the link I will watch it anyway!

Side: Hurray

Troll NO

Side: Hurray
1 point

Meh? Something tells me he's meerly taking a break and will be back... hopefully, I'm wrong.

Side: Damm why
1 point
Side: Damm why
1 point

Hahaha! I don't ever remember seeing that Uncle Joe video???

And is "bastardo" really Spanish for "bastard"? Haha! Wheeeeee!

Side: Damm why

Yeah, he will be back i am sure. His little visits are amusing sometimes. I kinda hope his next alt will be an anti-me.

Side: Damm why
2 points

I know right he is amusing kinda of a retard though but amusing

Side: Damm why