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Yes, I agree because... No, I disagree because...
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Yes, I agree because... (2)
 No, I disagree because... (1)

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All kinds of sports-related violence and danger, should be prohibited by law

Yes, I agree because...

Side Score: 2

No, I disagree because...

Side Score: 2
1 point

I don't agree with you. Certainly, sometimes some kinds of sport are dangerous for people, but there are also so many sports, which are very useful for us. First of all, sport is necessary for health care because it is known our body always needs physical activity and sport fully support it. Secondly, sport helps to avoid some harmful habits like smoking, drinking alcohols or other negative activities. According to Ollie Cooperwood sport is very good engagement in comparison with, for example, watching television and other negative habits. Moreover, it may be the main reason of involving other good hobbies in our lives. It is also enriching knowledge because by knowing even types of sport of we start to expand our outlook. Therefore, it could be reasonably argued that we all need sport to improve and enrich our life. Moreover, we have a good chance to perfect as person by helping of sport.

Side: Yes, I agree because...

Some people are hit in the stands by balls or bats and suffer injuries.

Side: Yes, I agree because...
2 points

Depends on what extent this is. If a footballer (Or soccer player) is worried about injuring someone, because they could be sent to jail, then what kind of sport is it? Many sports, like rugby, American football (Sorry, I'm British), and waterpolo involve contact. If players are worried about a jail sentence, then the sports are less interesting, as they just wouldn't go in for tackles at all, and we lose a valuable source of entertainment.

Granted, if someone on a sports pitch went up and punched someone in the face, feel free for them to get done for assault. Things that happen on purpose, with the intention of hurting someone else, should be prohibited.

Side: No, I disagree because...