
Debate Info

Apple!!! Samsung!!!
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:9
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 Apple!!! (6)
 Samsung!!! (3)

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God_(507) pic

Apple or Samsung?


Side Score: 6


Side Score: 3
1 point

Apple phones are easier to use, have ITunes, better structure, better smart feature capabilities, have SIRI, have better memory/battery (depending upon model), and many other things.

-- In conclusion IPhones are much better.

Side: Apple!!!
1 point

IPhones also have facetime which is amazing! _

Side: Apple!!!
Vermink(1944) Clarified
1 point

Samsung android users only need to download Skype to do the same thing FaceTime does.

Side: Apple!!!

I own an Apple iMac along with an Apple iPad Air. I know that I am prejudiced but I throw my vote with Apple.

Side: Apple!!!
1 point

I would say apple. But Samsung is more easy to use. It as everything. I love there tablet. It easy to get to place to place.

Side: Samsung!!!
God_(507) Disputed
1 point

What about Kindle Fires or Kindle Fire HDs or Kindle Fire HDXs those are nice too.

Side: Apple!!!
goodmale(1459) Disputed
1 point

They are but just not better for me. It much easy to take pictures on my tablet.

Side: Samsung!!!
1 point

I only really like apples IPods I don't like their iPhones and I've heard lots of people complain about them. I don't like iPads or tablets but out of both from experience I prefer Samsung tablets. (Much prefer laptops) and I just can't get used to macs/mac books.

Side: Samsung!!!