
Debate Info

Yes, their aim is Iran No, their aim is Russsia
Debate Score:1
Total Votes:1
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 No, their aim is Russsia (1)

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aliyat(16) pic

Are NATO's missile defense plans in Europe designed to protect world from Iran's attacs?

While NATO representatives claim that placing their missile defense plans in Eastern Europe they protect these countries and the whole world as well from possible attacs coming from Iran, Russian President Medvedev is convinced that their aim is Russia but he is ready to settle this issue by the agreement. So please give your opinion on this question

Yes, their aim is Iran

Side Score: 0

No, their aim is Russsia

Side Score: 1
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This is a simple no, anyone thats beleive's this shield is for 'defense' is either extremely stupid or simply heavily indoctrinated by western propaganda, most likely of the barnd of american exceptionalism.

This is quite clearly an attempt to contain Russia, and they plan to do likewise with China, this is an attempt to maintain and expand american hegemony, it really is that simple, and i don't know of an argument that could really prove otherwise.

Side: No, their aim is Russsia