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Debate Score:4
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altarion(1955) pic

Are Vegans just as bad as Meat-Eaters?

Are plants as important as animals?

Are Vegans, who eat only veggies and no meat products, just as bad as we, the Meat-Eaters, who dine on animals for nutrition and substinance?


Side Score: 2


Side Score: 2
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Vegans are not as bad as Meat-Eaters (by bad I mean good). Meat-Eaters are bad Mo-Fos. If there's Vegan by a bush eating berries (or some crap) and a Meat-Eater sees him, the Meat-Eater can sneak up behind the Vegan, club him, roast him and eat him. Now the meat-eater gets the benefit of eating meat and the veggies the vegan ate all in one sitting. Twice as good, half the effort.

Side: Vegans good and tasty
bobef(6) Disputed
2 points

"If there's Vegan by a bush eating berries (or some crap) "

If vegans are eating crap, they are made of crap, because people are made of what they eat. Therefore vegans are crap and Meat-Eaters eat the crap of the vegan they clubbed and the crap of the veggies (i.e. "some crap"), so Meat-Eaters eat twice the crap.

Side: Yes