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Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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Stunner(57) pic

Are computers more capable than teachers


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 3
1 point

computers have flexible learning times

whereas teachers are have time limits and will not always be there when you need her .teachers are also human beings they also have a personal life an families to be with {food for thought}

Side: Yes

I think whatever the teacher's teaching me, I can google and find out more about, in a quicker time, than the teacher can show me, but.

Teachers have a hands on experience that computers don't.

Some teachers need to teach you in person, in a three dimensional environment for you to best grasp the subject. An example being sports.

Side: No

Computers lack emotion, and teachers have traits such as motiviation and incentive that are irreplaceable compared to what a computer offers

Side: No
1 point

do computers have the same impact of level of understanding compared to teachers ? no !!! computers just relay info but teachers actually make a child to understand the subject they r learning . computers don not have feelings or emotions so if the child is having problems at home and they are affecting his or her performance at school a computer can not do anything to assist that child whereas a teacher can have a meeting with the child"s parents and can actually make up a plan that wont affect the child"s performance at school or the teacher can act as either a mother or father figure to the child and can actually encourage the child to work hard so that he can prevail academically {food for thought everyone }

Side: No