
Debate Info

Evil Good
Debate Score:9
Total Votes:11
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 Evil (4)
 Good (2)

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Belma(229) pic

Are humans truly evil or good?


Side Score: 7


Side Score: 2
3 points

Yeah, the other day somebody took my PB&J;I mean who would do such a thing?

Side: Evil
2 points

Homo sapien has evolved so as to naturally be endowed with feelings of altruism and philanthropy. The reasons for this are most likely stemmed from our hunter-gatherer and tribal times, when we learned that it was usually in our collective best interests to get along and co-exist, and even help, our fellows, As doing so proved to be more advantageous to our survival, instead of provoking enemies which could do us harm and prevent what ALL species' Number 1 priority is: to have offspring and ensure the further survival and growth of their species.

I speak in general terms of course, That is, of a normal and sound mind. Due to genetic mutations and chemical imbalances in the brain, as well as maladaptive childhood and nurturing experiences, we indeed have people on this planet who can be termed as "evil." But a sound and balanced homo sapien mindset does indeed posses traits of altruism and also an innate capacity to love.

Evil people should be eradicated from the species so as to minimize their damage to us and also ensure that they will not breed.

Side: Evil
0 points

Humans are becoming more evil every day as we separate the moral values once lifted up in this nation.

Look what people on the Left support while they claim to be good moral people. When they vote for politicians on the Left they support....

allowing a healthy Baby born alive from a botched late term abortion to die!

They support selling Baby organs from healthy late term Babies through planned parenthood.

They support any aborton at any stage for any reason!

They support forcing us all to pay for the inhumamity. They lied before when they said they would never force us to pay for abortions.

They say nothing while dead beat fathers who get many women pregnant walk away from their children. I know of one man in my area who got 10 different young women pregnant and is not supporting one of his children! No one says a thing about it.

Can you believe that their sense of right and wrong and moral values include these atrocities? Those are the so called values of mankind without a moral foundation from our Christian faith. This is what they call being good people! Could there possibly be any more denial to who and what thery are?

Now they will lie to you and say they are personally against these things while they vote for the very politicians who keep it legal.

The denial is mind blowing! Lying is another one of those things they have no problem with.

Side: Evil

If I answer, yes, does that mean they're good or truly evil? If I answer, no does that mean they're not good or truly evil? So what are they? If you asked me I would prefer tea or coffee and I answered either yes, or no, what would you offer me?

Side: Evil
1 point

All humans are just the product of global rationalization, caused by an onset of superfluous, egregious , idealism.

The starting blocks of the surface are merely transparent entities wrapped in subjectively ordained chemical impulsions.

It's all arbitrary.

Side: Good
1 point

Consider this - all around you in your daily life there are people. Your family, neighbors, co-workers, strangers, etc. If indeed some of them truly are "evil" then how many does that take to completely destroy your daily life? One? Fifty? Hey, what if more than half the people around you are "evil" because they're not complying with what you think are religious mandates. OK. That would be a lot of evil people. So why hasn't your world collapsed? Why is it the vast majority of us can still walk to our car and go out and do something without getting robbed and raped every single day? We shouldn't be able to. This world would literally be hell on earth every moment of every day if evil truly worked the way the religious teach us.

People are not evil. Some may do evil-ish things - like crimes. Some may fall short of truly being good. But you're not literally all good or all evil. It's not like you're born automatically one way or another. It's not like two camps exist and everyone has to fall into one of them. We're all just people. Human beings, walking a balance as we get through life.

And finally, if the people considered good in the name of religion are also the ones committing suicide bombings, hate crimes against homosexuals, clinic shootings, etc, then how the hell are those people "good"?

Side: Good