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 Are there Aliens or Extra-Terrestrials in the universe? (6)

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Cartel420(41) pic

Are there Aliens or Extra-Terrestrials in the universe?

I have always wondered if there was something else alive outside of Earth and/or On Earth hiding out. Many people talk about a reptilian race ruling the world and controlling human minds.

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1 point

I honestly do not know, and I am okay with that. :)

1 point

Yup, there sure are. The universe is far too big for them not to be out there, somewhere.

1 point

Well space is endless, so we think but if it is then I'm sure.

Yes. There is microscopic life like bacteria on mars(dead for a long time now) but yes im sure there is greater life somewhere out there.

i think some of them are right here on cd

I don't think so. If there were, they would have travelled to our planet by now and introduced themselves.