
Debate Info

I'll be using them on the 31 I've got my own strategy
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:7
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 I'll be using them on the 31 (3)
 I've got my own strategy (3)

Debate Creator

joecavalry(40163) pic

Are these useful trick-or-treating tips?

trick-or-treating startegies

Trick-or-treating ain’t no game.

No, it’s a life lesson in goal-setting, planning, and tactical execution. Kids who master trick-or-treating go on to become successful world leaders. Kids who don’t could possibly also do the same, but with less chocolate to show for it. The point is that chocolate is delicious, and you should fill your pillowcase with as much of it as possible. You just have to master the 4 Rules Of Strategic Trick-Or-Treating first:

trick-or-treating startegies (

I'll be using them on the 31

Side Score: 3

I've got my own strategy

Side Score: 3

I'm going for the chocolate. Maybe I'll get over 2000 pieces... Yum!

Side: I'll be using them on the 31
1 point

The only question is whether the benefits of getting all that free candy outweigh the cost of a visit to the dentist. :)

Side: I'll be using them on the 31

Even more than the high dental bill risk is the risk of obesity!

Side: I'll be using them on the 31
1 point

well, I just like going to houses and.... persuading candy from them....


Side: I've got my own strategy

Don't you think that when I show up dressed as a GIANT Tootsie Roll with A Hollowed out Pumpkin as a hat...I won't get enough candy to last me til next Halloween? Works fer me!

Side: I've got my own strategy
1 point

I hide in a dark alley dressed in rags with a bloody ax, and when kids walk by I yell, "BOOGY BOOGY BOO!" and steal their candy. My way of battling childhood obesity.

Just kidding. Trick or treating is like the coolest thing kids get to do, but it's different now, there's all kinds of curfews, and parents are all safe. I used to leave at like 5pm, and wouldn't get home until like 2 in the morning with enough candy to last me well past new years. My parents had no idea where the hell I was, it was sweeeeeeeeet!

Side: I've got my own strategy