
Debate Info

yes,we are no,we are not
Debate Score:22
Total Votes:22
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 yes,we are (10)
 no,we are not (3)

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IamNurzhan(35) pic

Are we too dependent on computers?

yes,we are

Side Score: 19

no,we are not

Side Score: 3
3 points

Effect of a computer for children at the age of 7-8 is very beneficial and can help in the development of certain skills. For example, psychologists have noted that work with your computer develops a mind, a logical and abstract thinking. Computer games can help children learn to make their own decisions, and quickly switch from one activity to another. It also well affect to the creative abilities of children. In this case, the positive effect of the computer depends on the individual child: for example, some children begin to learn languages ​​quickly, and others - great to draw. In addition, well developed computer games for children - this is a great way to self, and ability to use the Internet can be a good school and communication skills in searching and selecting information.

Side: yes,we are
2 points

First of all, computers have changed many disabled people's lives, especially those who are unable to leave their house because of boundaries such as wheelchairs. For people who are confined to wheelchairs, computers give them a chance to experience many things that would not be possible for them otherwise. They can go to a particular museum web site and learn about a Van Gogh painting, or they can go to a science web site and learn about NASA and the space shuttle. These things would not be possible without computers because of their physical disability.

Side: yes,we are
2 points

The third argument connects with businessmen. Computers allow the application of different types of software that can help businesses keep track of their files, documents, schedules and deadlines. Computers also allow businesses to organize all of their information in a very accessible manner. The ability to store large amounts of data on a computer is convenient and inexpensive, and saves space. A computer's ability to allow a company to organize its files efficiently leads to better time management and productivity.

Side: yes,we are
2 points

And the last, students need computers for researching material. Libraries are often extremely time-consuming, and they are not easily accessible for every student. The Internet is perhaps the most convenient and efficient method to browse information and analyze its usage. Additionally, most universities allow their students free access to their Web-based archives. Asking for help from teachers and other students through email or simply brainstorming ideas is another reason computers are important for students.

Side: yes,we are
2 points

Not depending on the computer for things is like walking all d way from India to America although u have an option of flyin....if someone rejects or opposes the use of computers then he should might as well oppose all the technological advancements and comforts....coz thats wat its all about!!!!!!!!!

Side: yes,we are
2 points

it may be helpful but not for somethings if we have homewirk we always cheat. get the answers right off the internet. what if all the computers in the world stop working what are we going to do us books yes we are going

Side: yes,we are
2 points

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Side: yes,we are

The Internet holds us by ball and chain. I would go crazy without my computer.

Side: yes,we are
1 point

we are dependent on computers a lot like when we are doing a work and felt that work is difficult then we go to pc to find the answer without even trying.

Side: yes,we are
1 point

I do not believe that we are too dependent on computers. Technology has brought about so many advancements in almost every aspect of our daily lives. I think that eventually everything will be in some way connected to computers. Everything from checking out at the grocery store or gas station to banking and working involves computers in some way, shape or form, and if there are no alternatives to doing things in that way then one must learn to adapt in order to survive even the simplest of daily activities.

Side: no,we are not
Begman(6) Disputed
1 point

I absolutely agree that we depend on the computers and Internet. We can’t live with out computers, because we are people. People always try finding easy way to do something. Now we live in 21st century, century of technology. All kind of work depends on computer. Computer is biggest archive or stock of information and it is very easy to find something.

Side: yes,we are
1 point

My second argument is that computers help us to perform better and produce more. We are not too dependent on computers. Computers are tools, and you can never be too dependent on tools. Tools allow us to perform better and produce more. When I was in high school, research meant a trip to the library, finding the right book, and then taking notes with pencil and paper. Today, research is going online and cutting and pasting.

Side: no,we are not
1 point

In my last argument, I would like to say that it is extremely difficult to find out whether this dependency is high or too high. Of course, I cannot decline that all people use computers, laptops, netbooks everyday. And also I cannot decline the fact that the usage of computers is increasing everyday. But how can we say that we are too dependent. For example, the person using his or her laptop for 8 hours a day is actually dependent on the computer, but we still cannot say that it is bad, because these 8 hours might be really beneficial and significant for the person's life. And according to that, we should not claim that people are too dependent on computers.

Side: no,we are not