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Debate Score:12
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TERMINATOR(6781) pic

Are you a fallibilist?


Side Score: 7


Side Score: 5
1 point

One must always remember that a fact is and had always simply been opinions that are supported by many.

For eg.

Obama is black. It a fact, but why?

Cause everyone have that certain mindset, that we know what shades of color black is, and in our honest opinion, through our humble eye, we believe that his skin is of black color. With everyone contention, opinion being similar, we conclude it a fact, when god knows, is it even a truth?

I can say that the Sun is smaller than Earth! That just my opinion, if people start supporting it or have the same opinion, it may jolly well be a fact.

This argument I just given could be simply just an opinion, an opinion on fact that come from opinions, contradicting huh? Well, isn't that what the world about? Everything is just an opinion, nothing is a fact, maybe, nothing actually even exists.

"Life is just an illusion of reality"

May god bless the discombobulated one.

Side: yes
1 point

I'm sure that there are some things right in this world, like for instance: gravity! =P

Side: No
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

I've heard people argue that there is not enough evidence for the existence of gravity.

I question everything. I disbelieve just about everything.

Side: yes
1 point

What about Earth revolving around the sun?

Or how about the Earth rotates on an axis?

Side: No
1 point

While technically not impossible, I find it a complete waste of time and effort not worthy of anything more than a passing musing or an interesting thought exercise.

I believe the general philosophy is valuable in Logic 101 simply for it's ability to get otherwise sheltered individuals to attempt to think outside of the proverbial box most are raised in, beyond that it serves no purpose and as much should be made clear.

Even if it were so that this were taken to whichever logical conclusion one wishes, whether 1 individuals dream or some Matrix type reality,

so what beyond a cute mind trip?

Anyone over the age of 25 who gives this philosophy anything more than a passing fancy I would compare to a raving conspiracy theorist,

they are spending an exorbitant amount of thought process on basically what amounts to avoiding realities all together - it's both dangerous and sad.

So no, I am not nor should anyone else be.

Side: No
TERMINATOR(6781) Disputed
1 point

You mustn't be an INTJ.

Many consider INTJs and fallibilism to go hand-in-hand.

Side: yes
1 point

You cannot deny your own consciousness.


Side: No

I have questioned the existence of my consciousness.

Side: yes