
Debate Info

I Could Not Forgive Her I Would Forgive Her
Debate Score:3
Total Votes:3
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 I Could Not Forgive Her (1)
 I Would Forgive Her (2)

Debate Creator

PhxDemocrat(13095) pic

Bad Grandma

If you left your three year old son at your Mother-in-Law's because your little boy wanted to see Grandma and likewise she wanted to spend some time with her Grandson, but when your son is out in the pool, the phone rings and Grandma goes inside to answer it but when she comes out, your son is floating face down in the pool.  The paramedics arrive but it is too late.

Question:  Could you forgive your Mother-in-Law (Grandma) for her negligence (she should have known better) that killed your son?

I Could Not Forgive Her

Side Score: 1

I Would Forgive Her

Side Score: 2
1 point

She should have taken better care of her body and mind while she was young, so that the brain atrophy which caused her to be so irresponsible, would have been greatly lessened or avoided.

Side: I Could Not Forgive Her
1 point

She is old... why are you leaving old forgetful people in charge of safety?

Side: I Would Forgive Her

Most old people have dementia or they are just forgetful... Forgiveness

Side: I Would Forgive Her