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Debate Score:7
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 Bigot Atheist Comment: Your just as bat st crazy as he is.... (6)

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wokndkjw(13) pic

Bigot Atheist Comment: Your just as bat st crazy as he is....

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2 points

Dumbass debate title: "Your just as bat st crazy as he is...".

So many errors!

wokndkjw(13) Disputed
0 points

That's not the point..

Intangible(4934) Disputed
1 point

Well what is your point? That you're a religious extremist?

1 point

I'm sorry, I don't get it?

wokndkjw(13) Disputed
1 point

someone was talking about on the is lolzors crazy debate and I said something and he responded with that for being a Christian.

Do we now get to act like children and air every Christian comment that is bigoted or uncouth?

Is there any sort of point to creating a debate with no sides just to air your grievances in public? All it does is highlight your own immaturity.