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Debate Score:107
Total Votes:119
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Hellno(17724) pic

BikiniLover Has Been Shut Down! Who Should He Return As?

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10 points

DanaForYeshua would be appropriate sense all she does is downvote the hell out of people. I probably will be downvoted for this.

I have to agree. They both have similar qualities. She is always posting useless debates.

Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

I am superieor to Prodigee because I do not wish rape on people. Reported.

3 points

LOL! Meh? DV's don't matter... only the person that does it loses a point. :)

Really? I thought both user lost a point well she must have lost a thousand. If you click on her points the majority of them say downvoted argument.

1 point

Preemptive upvote in that case.

Just report her. Andy will surely notice her bullying behavior on this site and remove her as well.

2 points

All she does it fucking report people. Like a damn high school principle.

Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

I have done nothing wrong. I am the one being abused. Reported.

Sitara(11075) Disputed
1 point

Awe look, the libertarian backstabber is trying to act all moral and shit. Hellno, this aint for you, baby.

AbbyNestor(1028) Disputed
4 points

Will you stop fucking talking to me? Damn. Leave me the hell alone. What the fuck is wrong with you?

1 point

Uhhhh.... This debate is about what Prodigee's new name should be... I don't know what the fuck you people are going on about?

1 point

VirginForLife would be an appropriate name. :D

1 point

He hasn't been shutdown exactly if you look who is online now he is still online.

1 point

Yeah.... but Andy banned him from the DebateCreate Community.... he can still shuck his own cob in communities if he wants. ;)

1 point

WAIT! Stop the celebration! Interestingly enough, I didn't ban Bikini! We had a site problem this afternoon and maybe something happened to his account. Or, maybe it was due to him. Either way, BikiniLover isn't banned.

Ok, now you are probably thinking I should ban him. I have my reasons for letting him do his thing, but he will return as BikiniLover as soon as my developer fixes his account.



Hellno(17724) Disputed
2 points

You have got to be kidding me? As BikiniLover he has made 875 arguments with a few debates.... it's not possible for him to have 5500 points. I assume he is using the communities to cheat and he was banned in the first place so why have your developer fix his account?

Sitara(11075) Clarified
1 point

Andy hired him for publicity probably. .

Chuz-Life(497) Disputed
1 point

That's it for me then.

Not that he was the only reason... but this is all the more reason for me to go find somewhere better to debate the issues.

Just thought that you should know that your decision to allow the trolls, spammers, point whores and drama queens to take over the place comes with a price too.

Cuaroc(8829) Clarified
1 point

I thought you were leaving like 2 hours ago I guess Chuzzy the troll is too addicted to trolling to leave.

addltd(5125) Clarified
1 point

Dear Chuz-Life, while I am sorry you feel the way you do, I find your comments a little disturbing. Why are you judging me for letting almost ALL people be part of CreateDebate? I try to find a happy medium where all people who want to be here are allowed to be. If you are annoyed that certain people are gaining points so quickly and would like to do the same, I will be happy to set you up in a similar fashion.

0 points

Rogue Rascal...Yes, that is what his new name shall be! Rogue Rascal!

Hellno(17724) Disputed
2 points

What? I will assume your account has been hacked by Prodigee.

Sitara(11075) Clarified
1 point

Messages now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :'(

1 point

Or Andy has been driven crazy by him :)