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Yes, obviously. You're raciest!
Debate Score:10
Total Votes:14
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 Yes, obviously. (2)
 You're raciest! (3)

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MrPowers(26) pic

Borders are Borders and Should Be Treated As Such

In the past twenty or so years, tens of millions of people have blatantly abused the success of the US and it's already high amount of hospitality.    They have illegally immigrated into this nation without our consent.  They have trespassed on our land, deprived us of our public services, and skewed our elections.

This needs to stop NOW.   The longer we let this go on, the more difficult it will be to crack down on it.  
Most nations have borders.   France is not part of Spain, nor is Spain part of France. Similarly, Latin America is not part of the US.    Most nations don't tolerate single illegal immigrants, much less millions of them.  In a lot of places, you would be shot if you attempt to pass across a border.   I'm not proposing that, capital punishment is to cruel in this situation, but we do need to stop letting such acts slide. Our governments job is to provide us, it's legal citizens, with the best life possible.  People who feel we would serve them better than their current leaders should honor us by going through our set processes to join our nation.  If we think more people should be admitted, let's increase the legal number of people coming in instead of just putting laws in place and not enforcing them.
I propose that we first concentrate more of our forces at the Mexican boarder.  This should not only catch more people, but also intimidate many people and make them think twice about sneaking in in the first place.  Secondly, let's make it a standard procedure for police officers to check citizenship papers after they have committed any minor crime (traffic fine, littering, etc.).    If they don't have proof, they'll have a week to get it or else they'll be deported.   Finally, don't accept censuses from people without proof of citizenship.  They don't vote, so it skews the electoral college.   Doing that is like a direct violation of the constitution as only legal citizens over 18 years of age have the right to vote.
Also, please don't call me raciest.  I can guarantee you, if the majority of these people were white and in the same circumstances, I would say the exact same thing.   In fact, I even have an Hispanic friend who agrees with me. 

Yes, obviously.

Side Score: 5

You're raciest!

Side Score: 5
2 points

In the past twenty or so years, tens of millions of people have blatantly abused the success of the US and it's already high amount of hospitality.    They have illegally immigrated into this nation without our consent.  They have trespassed on our land, deprived us of our public services, and skewed our elections.

This needs to stop NOW.   The longer we let this go on, the more difficult it will be to crack down on it.  

Most nations have boarders.   France is not part of Spain, nor is Spain part of France. Similarly, Latin America is not part of the US.    Most nations don't tolerate single illegal immigrants, much less millions of them.  In a lot of places, you would be shot if you attempt to pass across a border.   I'm not proposing that, capital punishment is to cruel in this situation, but we do need to stop letting such acts slide. Our governments job is to provide us, it's legal citizens, with the best life possible.  People who feel we would serve them better than their current leaders should honor us by going through our set processes to join our nation.  If we think more people should be admitted, let's increase the legal number of people coming in instead of just putting laws in place and not enforcing them.

I propose that we first concentrate more of our forces at the Mexican boarder.  This should not only catch more people, but also intimidate many people and make them think twice about sneaking in in the first place.  Secondly, let's make it a standard procedure for police officers to check citizenship papers after they have committed any minor crime (traffic fine, littering, etc.).    If they don't have proof, they'll have a week to get it or else they'll be deported.   Finally, don't accept censuses from people without proof of citizenship.  They don't vote, so it skews the electoral college.   Doing that is like a direct violation of the constitution as only legal citizens over 18 years of age have the right to vote.

Also, please don't call me raciest.  I can guarantee you, if the majority of these people were white and in the same circumstances, I would say the exact same thing.   In fact, I even have an Hispanic friend who agrees with me. 

Side: Yes, obviously.

I propose that we first concentrate more of our forces at the Mexican boarder. This should not only catch more people, but also intimidate many people and make them think twice about sneaking in in the first place.

The Mexican border isn't an issue of simply swarming a fence with officers. It's an issue of getting all the people that sneak through it. All your plan will do is increase inefficiency, and waste resources + police time.

Secondly, let's make it a standard procedure for police officers to check citizenship papers after they have committed any minor crime (traffic fine, littering, etc.). If they don't have proof, they'll have a week to get it or else they'll be deported.

That's a fucking stupid idea. If someone in Nebraska gets caught littering, and doesn't have their citizenship papers (and no one will carry these around), they should be put up for deportation? Where would they go? This is a draconian problem to a complex problem, and will only cause problems.

Your solution is very similar to what's been done in Arizona. It's worth noting that the writer of that bill was removed from office, due to the public reaction to the bill. Goes to show how awful it is.

Your solutions add so much economic inefficiency to everything at a time where things should be easy, they should be simple, when policies should make peoples lives better. This doesn't.

Side: You're raciest!
MrPowers(26) Disputed
1 point

It's inefficiency?  The US border patrol only has just over 20,000 employees, a large portion of which who are just support and don't directly capture illegals.  Being generous, each individual officer has to patrol a total of 15-20 miles of border.  And that's assuming that they feel safe working alone.   

My response to you to your comment about the citizenship papers is:   Do you have a better idea?  And there are ways to make it reasonable.   If you really find it that irritating, I'm sure the government could print special ID cards that are valid proof a citizenship. People will carry them around because it'd be the law and the consequences for not doing so are serious.  And no, you wouldn't be deported on the spot.   It's just like a speeding ticket.   You have a certain amount of time to prove your citizenship before they will deport you.   Also, officials should do citizenship checks when people enroll their kids in school or apply for social programs.   It's a relatively simple way to decrease this escalating problems effects.  

You are going to complain to me about the cost of protecting the border.   But not doing anything will cost us more.  If a family of five illegally enters our nation, that's about $30,000 right there to educate their children.   Medicaid for them all for the remainder of there lives...$80,000.  Unemployment?   Another $30,000.   That brings our total for that family to $140,000, being generous.  And that's not even taking into account the future expenses of the parent's likely large quantities of grandchildren and great grandchildren.   Now, being generous, we will multiply that number by three quarter million.   That comes out to $105,000,000,000.00 easily in immigration expenses every  year, probably much more.   That's more than a tenth of a trillion dollars.  Something needs to be done.    If we can save some of that money by protacting our borders better, if done right, our investment will pay off.   If we can hire an extra boxer patrol officer for $50,000 a year and he catches at least one family like that a year he will more than have paid for himself.   It's not that inefficient.  

Regardless, do you have a better idea?   It DOES make American's lives better.   If we don't do something, we'll reach Greek levels of debt in 10 years.   If your so convinced that simple is best, you democrats should fix the tax code and make it one, simple, flat percentage income tax.   Or go back to the stone age.

Side: Yes, obviously.
BenWalters(1513) Disputed
1 point

It's inefficiency? The US border patrol only has just over 20,000 employees, a large portion of which who are just support and don't directly capture illegals.

20,000 sounds like quite a lot to me. And that a lot of them aren't on the ground hardly helps you argue against ineffiency. There's also little proof that increasing the number of guards will do anything, remember that in 86 to 98 the number of guards doubled (to 8500), and huge amounts of money was spent on fortifying the border itself, and yet the number of immigrants crossing the border illegally doubled, by most estimates.

Do you have a better idea? And there are ways to make it reasonable.

What you're proposing is SOPA all over again; you're assuming that people are guilty, until proven innocent. That goes against one of the most basic facts of any court system, around the world.

But not doing anything will cost us more.

That's hardly true. Most workers come for a job, why else would they come, and they rarely bring their family on such a dangerous trip (estimates put 70% arriving at working age). Then, regardless of their citizenship, they pay taxes just as everyone else does. Even undocumented immigrants pay income tax, there's something called the 'suspense file', where names + social security numbers cannot be matched up to a citizen, which increased 20 billion USD between '90 & '98. Economically, they act just as any other member of society does - there's even some studies which show that they give more to the US economy than they take ($240 billion a year earnt for immigrants, and about $25 billion more paid in tax than gained through welfare). The economic argument hardly holds ground.

Regardless, do you have a better idea?

I don't need to to tell you that yours will do more harm than good. I don't see it is a major issue.

If we don't do something, we'll reach Greek levels of debt in 10 years.

The US is already in significantly larger debt than Greece is, it's worth noting. But, I seriously doubt that immigrants will be what pushes you over the edge.

If your so convinced that simple is best, you democrats should fix the tax code and make it one, simple, flat percentage income tax. Or go back to the stone age.

Why are you so sure I'm a democrat? I'm not even from the US. I'm simply telling you why you're wrong. But as far as I'm aware, Democrat's have been trying to simplify the tax system, whilst Republicans have been adding new bills to it.

Supporting Evidence: Top 10 Immigration Myths and Facts (
Side: You're raciest!
1 point

Having your privacy violated should not be a condition of moving from one place to another, and you shouldn't have to pay to go from one place to another either. So they will benefit from services they are not paying for? If we didn't have an income tax that wouldn't be a problem, and we don't need one and shouldn't have one anyways (transitioning what is payed for how, and refusing them welfare/SS benefits could also fix the problem).

Rules that protect borders are restrictions on individual liberty based on lines that do not truly exist...Do you think God recognizes borders??

Side: You're raciest!