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puppylove831(31) pic

Can dreams really come true?

Everyone is always saying that dreams really can come true and that you just have to wait for the right moment. But they never seem to happen.


Side Score: 7


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Yes. Like once..., OK more than once..., I dreamed that I had an orgasm and when I woke up..., sure enough ;)

Another time I dreamed that I was eating a giant marshmallow and when I woke up..., my pillow was gone ;)

Side: Yes

hahahaha! That is so funny! Well all my friends always say that im an incredible singer and dancer. But my parents and everyone around me wont help me get my dream. And im to young to get it myself. ITs to hard to get it by myself, none of my family thinks i will ever get this dream.

Side: Yes

Only you can make your dream come true. Keep working it ;]

Side: Yes
1 point

Yes they can but its not likely. It depends on the dream and how realistic it is.

Side: Yes

I have experienced a couple of dreams in my lifetime that did come true.

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