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Saurbaby(5502) pic

Can everyone control their temper?

I had a girl at work compliment me becuase I never lose my temper. With customers, or my coworkers, even when both are being rude as hell to me. She made it sound like a skill or something...


So can everyone control their temper but choose not to, or can people seriously not control it?


I personally don't see the point in going off on someone... Where does it get you?


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 8

I think you can and of course you should at a job because you want as many people to buy things from your job because if the person goes to your boss and tells your boss about you the boss is going to be mad at you. It isn't hard though but if you can't you need some help before someone gets hurt.

Side: Yes

I don't think it is impossible, but it is sometimes very difficult, when I lose my temper it is usually because I forget about it, it's not like pushing a spring down.

Side: Yes

Everyone can control his/her temper but anyone's mind can snap in an instant and unleash the temper.

Side: Yes
3 points

Not really.

Most people, in fact, cannot control their temper.

It's more of an evolutionary trait than of any weak of will or whatever.

But irrational explosions of emotion are common among humans. Clearly we are not very perfectly wired. However, this doesn't exactly mean that getting angry is irrational. In fact, not getting angry can, at times, be irrational. The purpose of anger is as a defense mechanism. Like most mechanisms that our brain employs, we don't use them appropriately. We use them, instead, when we feel that situation calls for it. We are self-aware, free thinking individuals. There are plenty of times when we will feel that doing something is right, even if days later it comes to us that it was wrong. This is why it's better to wait a few days before engaging with someone (or even making a life-changing decision) when you're very upset.

So if you've never gotten openly angry at someone (like yell at them or insult them harshly) it's very possible that you are also not using your mechanisms appropriately. In your case, it would that thing called keeping calm, which is appropriate for keeping your decisions rational, but it can also just be out of fear of reaction or belief that not expressing your emotions would benefit you better.

I find it that I don't like to deal with people. I don't really try to express any other dominance than intellect. This could be a problem because most people don't give a shit about intellect. If I merely yelled louder and tried to be more intimidating, I'd probably get what I want more. However, my issues are that I control my temper far too often, and sometimes try to divert negative energy through humor (which can work for many, but not all).

No one is perfect and no one expresses their emotions appropriately 100% of the time. It's just unnatural to be so perfect.

Side: No

Temperament of human beings obviously varies, but as for everyone controlling their temper is impossible because human beings react differently to things from human action. There is no way to know what someone would do in each situation particularly being waiter/waitress.

Side: No
1 point

I think in certain situations you feel the need to stay quiet or walk away because it's just not worth it. But there are cases where it's human nature to react and tell someone off. So I don't think that you can control your temper all the time.

Side: No
1 point

I can not control my temper...I usually give off pretty fast...

Side: No
1 point

some people have more self control than others

so it depend on who you are and what your going through mentally.

but i do not believe everyone can control their temper

Side: No
1 point

No! Some of today people can not control their wheather it someone is playing with them, and so the person will react and lose control of their emotion and go crazy and maybe hurting them.

Side: No