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Go abroad. Stay in Greece.
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Go abroad. (1)
 Stay in Greece. (3)

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VictoriaG(8) pic

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Carrer abroad or in Greece?

Should young people, who graduate from university search for jobs in Europe and in their home countries, or should they focus their career in Greece.
Follow the instructions given in the lesson to express your opinion about the subject.

Go abroad.

Side Score: 1

Stay in Greece.

Side Score: 3
Winning Side!
1 point

Personal development.

Moving to a new country to start a new job will undoubtedly push you out of your comfort zone. Nothing helps you grow as a person like interrupting your safe and comfortable routine. Whether you’re a serial traveller or this is your first trip abroad, you’ll gain new perspectives and learn things about yourself and your home country that you never knew before. This new perspective will help you develop personally just as much as you grow professionally.

Supporting Evidence: Moving abroad (
Side: Go abroad.
VictoriaG(8) Disputed
1 point

Staying in Greece can also push you out of your comfort zone. The job market in Greece is very tight so you should also find new ways to make a career. They should improvise and find you ways to make a living, something that i strongly believe is harder than getting a job in a non saturated market.

Side: Stay in Greece.
1 point

You lose contact with your family, your friends and your network.

Most people who live abroad for a long period of time experience a decline in their network of friends – even with sufficient competence in social media management. If you are not situated in a very attractive touristic spot such as Berlin, Amsterdam, Paris, London, New York etc, you will have to have very close friendships to attract visitors. However, some people would consider being a safe distance away from their parents a plus side.

You must turn into an extrovert and make spontaneous contact with everybody. Learn to connect immediately with anyone and be always nice (even when you feel depressed and lonesome; “fake it until you make it”). You’ll soon find yourself becoming immersed in the culture and cheering on the local team as if it was your own…’’if you can’t beat them, join them!’’ Make a schedule to stay in contact with your friends and your old social networks – and send your parents a postcard on a regular basis.

Supporting Evidence: Social life problems (
Side: Stay in Greece.
1 point

Follow the money. Wherever the money is, that's where you go and focus.

Side: Stay in Greece.
AlofRI(3294) Clarified
1 point

Yep! The only money available to Trump was in Russia! THAT'S where he went to focus. I'm sure the Ritz-Carleton, Moscow videos would show that, clearly in focus. ;-)

Side: Go abroad.