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I must agree I must not agree
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:7
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 I must agree (1)
 I must not agree (3)

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lawnman(1106) pic

Cheerleaders for Obama

Liberals must constrain the cheer-leading efforts of their zealous brethren if Obama is ever to succeed in persuading conservatives to consider his: “Change you can believe in.”?

Remember, when the audience is focused on the cheer-leading squad, the attention of the audience is taken from the team. 

I must agree

Side Score: 2

I must not agree

Side Score: 4

I have to agree even though it empowers the liberals ;)

What I want to know is, How's that "Hopey, changey" thing going for you guys out there? :)

Side: I must agree
MisterGuy(1) Disputed
1 point

"How's that 'Hopey, changey' thing going for you guys out there?"

Pretty good so far...thanks for asking! How's that "Party of No" thing working out for you guys??

"Liberals must constrain the cheer-leading efforts of their zealous brethren if Obama is ever to succeed in persuading conservatives to consider his: 'Change you can believe in.'?"

Who says that we need "conservatives" to put the USA back on the right track?? You guys have done quite enough over the last 10 years or so...sit back & relax for a change...

Side: I must not agree

Liberals cannot do a damn thing without conservative funding. That is what pisses you guys off so much. You need us. If you didn't need us then you wouldn't be forever trying to take our money ;)

Side: I must agree
2 points

I guess it depends on what the cheerleaders look like. If they're ugly, who's going to be looking at them?

Side: I must not agree