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Yes they may No they may not
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Yes they may (4)

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Children may be on TV?

Nowadyas, a lot of children perform on tvs. Be it in cartoons, soap operas, advertisements ,etc. Do you think it may be appropriate for children to perform on tvs? or do you think they should study for their future? because children who perform on tvs go to school seldomly. your opinion plese!!!

Yes they may

Side Score: 4
Winning Side!

No they may not

Side Score: 0
1 point

Children have been on tv. Look at the Barney show it has kids with Barney. -_-

Side: Yes they may
1 point

they can do what ever they like.. if children wan to be on T.V, so be it.. nothing wrong with that!

Side: Yes they may

If their parents say they can, yes.

Side: Yes they may
1 point

Children who perform on television and in the movies, though they fail to go to school, are provided with a tutor; I'm sure than most will agree that a one-on-one tutor is far superior in affording a student with understanding of certain subjects rather than the anonymity and overwhelming nature of actual schools.

That said, in what way are children who perform not preparing for their future? Some make a hell of a lot of money; just take a look at Angus T. Jones or the Olsen twins.

Of course, there is a downside; Corey Haim, Corey Feldman, Anthony Michael Hall, Leif Garrett, Drew Barrymore, and quite a few (I'd say a majority, but haven't any statistics to back that up) wind up on drugs.

Side: Yes they may
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