
Debate Info

Legit scientific discipline A fraud
Debate Score:4
Total Votes:4
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 Legit scientific discipline (2)
 A fraud (2)

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Christian Science - Discipline or Circular Argument Machine

Is Christian Science a legitimate truth seeking pursuit, or is it just a way to justify that which cannot be proven through observables (i.e. only faith based).

Legit scientific discipline

Side Score: 2

A fraud

Side Score: 2
1 point

Why is it that Christianity and science cannot coexist? Cannot science supplement God? I believe in both, wholly. I see no contradictions in any of my beliefs. I see science as an understand of how something happens, but God as an understanding of why it happens.

Side: Legit scientific discipline
1 point

Christian Science is science because it is provable. It's Christian because it's based on the words and works of Christ Jesus. It explains our relationship to our Father-Mother God, and to Christ Jesus, which should be very interesting to everyone.

The best way to explain in this space is that its application is much like with the science of numbers. When we're very young we don't know about numbers, then little by little we learn of their existence, how to employ them throughout our day, and go on to learn more details, but only after rigorous practice with the basic elements, and before a "big test".

In CS, one needs to first practice in non life-threatening situations such as finding lost things, quieting barking dogs, stopping hiccups, healing minor relationship problems, removing splinters, or healing coughs and colds. The more we practice the more confidence we get. Some people get the idea that we are inseparable from God quickly and make wonderful use of this understanding immediately, even healing others of serious things. Others get it slowly probably because don't practice as much and it takes years just to heal very small things. It all depends on the sincerity of the person and their willingness to see things the way God really made them, opposed to the way we humans think they are. If healing does not come, it is not the fault of God, it is the unbelief, as Jesus said. When your checkbook does not balance, it is not the fault of the mathematics, but the person applying the principles.

Side: Legit scientific discipline

Oxymoron is more like it. The implications are, to me, the opposite of what science tries to achieve. Science never starts with a conclusion.

Side: A fraud

I don't adhere to the belief that members should not see doctors especially when children are involved.

Side: A fraud