
Debate Info

For Against
Debate Score:2
Total Votes:2
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 For (1)
 Against (1)

Debate Creator

Rose123(21) pic

''Cinema is a beautiful fraud.'' = What say?

Are movies really decieving us? Would love to hear your views and opinions!


Side Score: 1


Side Score: 1

I am for the Cinema because it is storytelling, drama, horror, music, and animation all put on the big screen.

Side: For
1 point

“Cinema is an old whore, like circus and variety, who knows how to give many kinds of pleasure. Besides, you can't teach old fleas new dogs.” I don't think all the cinema are beautiful frauds...i mean u just can't say that just becoz u hate watching stupid movies based on some silly topics. Movies like shawshank redemption are gr8 movies to watch. The dialogs in the movie are so inspirational that we can't stop ourself from rewinding it and watching it again. So u just can't say that Cinemas r beautiful frauds. But there r few movies in bollywood and those ppl who watch more of bollywood would obviously say so. So i think ppl gotta choose different flavor rather sticking to the same. There r many muder mysteries based movies i guess ppl should watch those to get an experience that murders can be done in these ways and should be alert this is not it but many more pros abt movies. So according to me movies r necessarily not beautiful frauds!

Side: Against