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joecavalry(40130) pic

Could global warming be caused by an eminent magnetic poleshift reversal?

Magnetic poleshift reversal may cause the strength of the magnetic field to drop to zero.

"Through paleomagnetism, (the study of the magnetic properties of rocks), scientists now have solid proof that the earth's magnetic field, and thus the geomagnetic north and south poles, have reversed itself namy times in the past. Magnetic field polarity reversals are magnetic poleshifts. The geologic record also shows that the strength of the magnetic field varies widely in time, and fluctuates wildly during field reversals, sometimes dropping to zero gauss strength; ie: the field vanishes, disappears! It is also a proven fact that the magnetic poles wander, literally zig-zagging around its axis. "

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2 points, home to "Ellie Crystal's Metaphysical and Science Website."

She is apparently a psychic and a Reiki master. I bet she has a Phd in awesomeness.

Side: bs

According to NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, in 1998 something changed the Earth's gravitational field which moved the magnetic poles closer together. The NASA article explained that as the ice on the poles melted, ocean currents moved water toward the equator, which factors researchers believe to be partly responsible, in conjunction with shifts in atmospheric patterns, for this ongoing shift in the Earth's magnetic field.

Side: bs
2 points

Okay, I googled "magnetic poleshift reversal."

Apparantly the world is going to end in 2012.

Magnetic fields are effecting my Chi.

I need to buy solar rocks blessed by the the High priestess to center my ying.

The article you sited says it would be a process of 12 to 20 thousand years, which is fast by planetary standards, but nothing life on earth could not adapt to.

The theory states the cause would be massive build-ups in the ice caps, which isn't going on. Er, even if it was, any planet's magnetic field is caused by a liquid center, which we have. Every planet with a liquid center has a magnetic field that we know of. I don't see any shift in the polar ice caps somehow hardening our liquid center.

I'm not saying it's not going to happen, or couldn't happen that the magnetic fields shift. I mean, they've been slowly shifting forever. It's not something that would happen overnight though.

Side: bs

If this is the case then all the Priuses in the world are not going to matter (;

Side: bs

If the magnetic field to drops, the temperature of the planet rises. If it drops to zero, we're screwed.

Side: bs