
Debate Info

Yes. Neigh.
Debate Score:11
Total Votes:11
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 Neigh. (5)

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HarryPits(301) pic

Could we get rid of AIDS by bombing infected cities?

That's what Greenland did in Plague Inc. and it seemed to be quite effective.


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5 points

Sure. Kill innocent people to stop the spread of a disease that's only transmitted by direct contact between two people's blood or reproductive fluids...

Or the other option: research the disease to find a cure and in the meantime, educate those infected on how to not spread it to others while concurrently educating those who are healthy on how to avoid it. Oh and condoms. Lots of free fucking condoms (pun intended).

Side: Neigh.
2 points

Nope. More people will just create AIDS with in their body and pass it on.

You don't get rid of AIDS, AIDS gets rid of you!.

Side: Neigh.
2 points

Would we get rid of you by bombing your mom? :)

Side: Neigh.

Urban sprawl in developed countries is often such that bombing cities would be largely ineffective for this.

Side: Neigh.

There should not be bombing in any cities. Such a practice would be inhumane and condemned by the United Nations.

Side: Neigh.