
Debate Info

Are you kidding? Of course! It's a long day without work
Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 Are you kidding? Of course! (2)
 It's a long day without work (3)

Debate Creator

Heath22(144) pic

Could you be happy not working ever again for the rest of your life?

All play and no work makes Jack a...

Are you kidding? Of course!

Side Score: 3

It's a long day without work

Side Score: 3
2 points


I'd have so much time to travel, learn, and volunteer, it would be awesome.

Work sucks. I'd love to have the resources to do what I wanted when I wanted to.

Side: Are you kidding? Of course!
1 point

If the definition of working is "making a living", as in working so you don't starve to death, I'd be more than happy!

This wouldn't stop me from learning new things, and trying to use what I've learned to do something productive. It would just make the whole process much easier and relaxing for me...

Side: Are you kidding? Of course!
1 point
What defines work? Look, we all love skipping work and having fun, but we need SOMEthing to fill our days. So, you can screw around all you want, but unless your friends are all skipping work too, it will eventually get boring. So you think you will dedicate yourself to a noble cause... Well guess what, that has obligations and responsibilities, also known as WORK!
Side: It's a long day without work
1 point

I guess that depends on how you define 'work.' If you mean paid employment, I'd be fine. If you mean sitting around on my ass watching soaps and reruns... HELL NO. But I'd be happy to live out my life in community service, so long as all my bills, needs, and comforts were reasonably taken care of.

Side: It's a long day without work
1 point

I'm a busybody. I'm always working on something. Even if I didn't have a job or career, I'd still be working. While unemployed, I worked for my mom and did freelance work.

Seeing as how I'm a writer, unless I'm unable to think and/or communicate those thoughts, I'll always be working--till the day I die.

Side: Till the day I die