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Taqwacore(668) pic

CreateDebate nude calendar 2014 - Who do you want to see?

Just for fun, if there were a CD nude calandar being produced for next year, who would you love to see in all their birthday suit glory?

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2 points

I can just see it now, the createdebate logo being used as the censor bar ahaha.

1 point

Who the fuck buys a nude calendar if it has a censor bar on the good parts?...

1 point

Good Point. Maybe it'd cover everything but the tip ahahahaha.

1 point

Actually, I really like this idea! It would actually make it pretty funny.

1 point

Captions like, "I wanna take THAT pole!" and "This Month's Master Debator is...."

2 points

Saurbaby, Abby, Lizzie, and Judas. .

Taqwacore(668) Clarified
1 point

I can't respond to your PM's because I think you've blocked me.

Anyway, in answer to your question (in another thread), no, I'm not offended. What you said makes perfect sense.

1 point

Thank ye. .

2 points

I'm nominating Saurbaby because I just have a mental image of her being hot.

LizziexLaura, because I have the urge to corrupt something that's good (funny how so many people want to see Lizzie in the calendar naked).

And Abby, 'cos she's cute.

Sitara(11075) Clarified
1 point

Abby and Lizzie are mega hot. .

1 point

Saurbaby has YouTube videos. She isn't s hot as her pic.

Hellno so I could laugh at how small it is.

Then Abby because I like wanking.