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Debate Score:6
Total Votes:6
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 No. (6)

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SitaraForJesus(3819) pic

Creeped out yet?

Chernobyl means wormwood in Ukrainian. Wormwood is something bad mentioned in Revelation which is a book of the Bible. Anywhoo, Wormwood is when the waters turn bitter and many people die. This happens during the Great Tribulation. The Chernobyl disaster is when a nuclear reactor had a major proble. I think it melted down. Maybe it messed with the water. People def had to haul ass and get out of town. Are you creeped out by the irony yet, or am i just a Bible thumper? Oh, and this Nuclear reactor was in an area that might be the Gog from the bible.


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The naming of the power plant was biblical to begin with; it's not a coincidence that it had biblical connotations.

Side: No.

I think I agree. please tell me more. .

Side: No.

The idea of associating a nuclear plant with the biblical event of a mass-scaled disaster wasn't a coincidence or reason to be creeped out. It was the actual reason for naming it Chernobyl in the first place.

Side: No.

Wormwood is also something that cleanses parasites out of your system.

Side: No.

I never knew that. How did you know? .

Side: No.