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 Definition of Democrats Defined (10)

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outlaw60(15368) pic

Definition of Democrats Defined

2015 Black Population: 46.3 million, 14.4% of USA

What has voting Democrat gained the 46.3 million Black Population in the United States ?
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2 points

Black Americans are worse off now than when Obama was sworn in on January 20, 2009.

The number of black food-stamp participants exploded under Obama from 7,393,000 to 11,699,000 the U.S. Department of Agriculture reports and that is up 58.2 percent. From Obama’s oath of office through the fourth quarter of 2015 the percentage of black Americans who own homes foundered from 46.1 percent to 41.9 percent according to the Census that is down 9.1 percent.

What do Black Americans gain by voting Democrat ?

2 points

You are exactly correct once again.

Your debate shows very clearly the total hypocritical joke called the Democrat Party.

Their base is made up two types of people. The low end voters that vote purely for what they can get from tax payers, and the arrogant Liberal elite thought police with an extreme ideology that tells everyone how to think.

You've got the dumb and dumber electing Democrats.

Thankfully the working man finally woke up this election. Funny what can happen when we got our first truly exreme Liberal running our nation. People saw what the Left stands for and it is NOT the people.

1 point

Your premise both calls all Democrats rich, and poor, simultaneously.


outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

What have the Black Population that vote Democrat gained from voting Democrat ? Can you sight me one thing the Black Population has gained in inner cities run by Democrats ?

1 point

More government handouts...

outlaw60(15368) Disputed
1 point

Aren't those rich Democrats White ? Hillary and Bernie are correct ?

Narwhal(56) Clarified
1 point

Common misconception. Hillary is actually a 2nd generation Bangladeshi, and Bernie immigrated from Nicaragua in the 20's.