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DevinSeay(1120) pic

Did The Romans Come To The New World Before Columbus?

Some believe the Romans came to the America before Columbus. So did he or didn't he?


Side Score: 3


Side Score: 1
1 point

I believe they did. They had the will and tech back then.

Side: Yes
CorvusCorax(19) Disputed
1 point

Just because they (perhaps) had the technology it doesn't mean that they actually came to The New World before Columbus.

Where is the evidence that they did?

Because of the lack of evidence I say that the Romans didn't make it before Columbus

Side: No
DevinSeay(1120) Disputed
1 point

One good evidence is the Bay of Jars in Brazil. These jars resemble Roman designs. One of the theory's is that it came from a wreck.

And if I'm not mistaken, WE KNOW the Vikings made a settlement here before Columbus. And if Columbus could make it here with that trash of a boat, the Romans could have defiantly made it here... even though they weren't known to be the best seaman.

Side: Yes

It is possible. Maybe discoveries will come about that will one day prove that the Romans visited the New World before Columbus.

Side: Yes
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