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 Did newton create physics (8)

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mbrown10(12) pic

Did newton create physics

Is newton the godfather of physics did he realy do all that much beside laws of thermal dynamics

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2 points

Did anyone create physics? It's not the sort of thing you can just invent. It's just a specific field of study that was previously unexplored. Similarly, nobody invented anthropology prior to our study of mankind and cultures. Or any other field of study for that matter. They're not created, just discovered.

Side: Nobody
2 points

No. Galileo came first with his "objects of two different weights will fall at the same speed in a vaccuum" theory. Newton just provided an explanation and a few laws to go with it.

Side: Galileo

I think that Newton discovered a lot of the facets of physics, and was one of the first humans to really understand it, but he didn't create physics. Nobody created physics. Physics was just there.

Side: Galileo

I believe it was Albert Einstein who had more to do with modern physics and quantum physics than Newton ever did.

Side: Einstein
3 points

True Einstein did do a lot with modern physics, but he contributed very little to quantum physics (I'm not actually sure if the photoelectric effect counts as quantum physics), but before him there was still classical physics, to which Newton contributed heavily.

So in a sense, Newton can certainly be considered the founder of physics, one of the most fundamental fields of science (if not the most fundamental).

In fact, we still use Newtons equations all the time because his formulas are a very good approximation of movement for "normal" sized objects moving at speeds that are much smaller than the speed of light.

Side: Newton FTW
2 points

I agree and nice tag! Doesn't he even have units named after him?

Side: Newton FTW
1 point

The father, not the creator. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Side: Newton FTW