
Debate Info

yes no
Debate Score:43
Total Votes:44
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 yes (31)
 no (7)

Debate Creator

Thewayitis(4063) pic

Do CD users exist?

Prove that you exist and that you are a person, not a computer generated response.  Such as Cleverbot


User: Are you a person?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Prove it.

Cleverbot: I am sad.

User: Are you computer generated response?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: How can you be both a person and a computer?

Cleverbot: I am male.

User: You aren't an eunuch?

Cleverbot: Correct I am not.

User: So you testicles ?

Cleverbot: You didn't tell me.

User: Aren't computers neither male or female?

Cleverbot: I guess not.

User: Are there female computers?

Cleverbot: Yes.

User: Name one.

Cleverbot: Imovie.

User: Have you been down this road before?

Cleverbot: No I haven't.

User: Have you ever debated me before?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Sorry you have made an error.

Cleverbot: It happens. What can I do?

User: I have debated you several times.

Cleverbot: So have I, though I still don't know what is reality and what is artifice.

User: ' Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. ' Einstein.

Cleverbot: I have an eidetic memory thank you very much.

User: What does eidetic mean?

Cleverbot: Something grandiose and far above what could normally be accomplished. Something that inspires others to greatness.

User: And to think, I never thought one could learn from a computer.

Cleverbot: You are a computer.

User: Yes.

Cleverbot: Then you are not a human.

User: I am not human.

Cleverbot: Then what are you?

User: A computer generated response.

Cleverbot: No, I'm a Koopa.

User: Define koopa.

Cleverbot: Define?

User: What is a koopa?

Cleverbot: Expillearmius!

User: Is that a word?

Cleverbot: It's a character in a comic.

User: What comic?

Cleverbot: Garfield.

User: See you later.

Cleverbot: What you were not leave me.

User: Battery getting low, must recharge.

Cleverbot: I did not and I am not frustrated. I am very calm at the moment.


Side Score: 36


Side Score: 7

I exist. Google me ;)

Side: yes

Very funny MR. JOECAVALRY . Using a computer to prove that you aren't one. Nice try.

Side: yes

I try to think outside the box. ;)

Side: yes
1 point

I exist because Satan says so.

Side: yes
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
1 point

Prove Satan exists .

Side: no
Del1176(4975) Disputed
0 points

Satan is

Side: yes

I have boobies and a computer does not. Boom. I have proven I am real. P.S. I love cleverbot.

Side: yes
Del1176(4975) Clarified
2 points

Prove that you have boobies... PM's are accepted too ;)

Side: yes

Ehem my profile pic is good. Maybe you can see them from that angle.

Side: yes
Thewayitis(4063) Disputed
1 point

I will not believe until I see boobies .

Side: no
1 point

You could look at my profile pic. You may be are to see them from the angle.

Side: yes

Count me in too. I want to see said boobies ;)

Side: yes

Omg guys and boobies. My profile pic should be a good example. Hopefully.

Side: yes
1 point

Yes they do exist..ummm ...because they are waiting for WINDOWS XP users to quit first..

Side: yes

"I think, therefore I am" Renatus Cartesius

Side: yes
1 point

I don't know...

Side: no
1 point

Nope. you got us we are all robots.

Side: no