
Debate Info

Yes! Yes! Yes! What?
Debate Score:19
Total Votes:19
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 Yes! Yes! Yes! (5)
 What? (9)

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Hellno(17724) pic

Do You Like Three Ways?

Yes! Yes! Yes!

Side Score: 5


Side Score: 14
1 point

OMG YES!!!!!!!!!!!

Side: Yes! Yes! Yes!
1 point

I spent three years in Cincinnati and got hooked on this style of chili! Oh, and I loved getting my three way on!

Side: Yes! Yes! Yes!
1 point

That is very open minded of you, most people who aren't raised on it either hate it or refuse to try it.

Side: Yes! Yes! Yes!
1 point

Me and two buxom blondes fucking like there ain't no tomorrow! What's not to like?

Side: Yes! Yes! Yes!
BenWalters(1508) Disputed
3 points

What's not to like?

There's only two of them ...

Side: What?
Liber(1712) Disputed
1 point

Its called a threesome. I reappropriated HellNo's "Three Ways" in a manner which implied sexuality. In a threesome, there are three people. There are only two of them because, if there was a third, with "my" involvement, it'd be a foursome.

Side: Yes! Yes! Yes!
1 point

Why isn't there a no choice? I say HELLNO to that three way! lol ;) You see what I did there?

Side: What?
Hellno(17724) Clarified
1 point

Please clarify... is there another type of three way you enjoy??? LOL

Side: Yes! Yes! Yes!

I don't think will say it because she is shy.

Side: What?
2 points

Didn't we already discuss what kind of three-ways I would participate in?

And I so just found all these replies on here >.>

Side: What?

I think she's saying that you would be the third wheel. Now..., if you're meant to be the front wheel or the rear wheel..., I have no idea ;)

Side: What?
steve789(205) Clarified
1 point

oops re-post

Side: Yes! Yes! Yes!
1 point

That's nasty girl :)

Side: What?
1 point

They can be kind of tricky in traffic...especially the ones without traffic lights...

Wait a second...

Side: What?
1 point

LOL! Actually I wish we used more traffic circles like the rest of the world... I only know of one in my city and it works very well.

Side: What?

I don't know I'm 14 what's sex....................……….…………………………………………………………

Side: What?